What to do if the computer does not see a webcam

What to do if the computer does not see a webcam

Connecting various kinds of devices to a computer, including the Web cameras, is significantly simplified thanks to the advanced features of modern operating systems. However, in exceptional cases, problems arise when the system cannot identify the device. There are several options for their elimination depending on the causes of the occurrence.

Some webcam connection nuances to a computer:

  • if the Web Camera is connected via a USB hub or extension, the signal in most cases is lost;
  • try to connect the Web Camera to each of the USB connectors in turn to check the sockets for faults;
  • using a Web camera at one time more than one application is impossible, therefore it is worth limiting the number of programs working with the camera;
  • if the Web camera has several modes of operation and a special switch on the case, then set the desired mode;
  • with the first unsuccessful attempt to restart the computer in case the failure occurred.


In the latest versions of operating systems, drivers are contained for a variety of devices that run automatically when connected, as well as compatibility programs. However, in some cases, the necessary files are absent. To determine if the necessary drivers installed in the Windows operating system, follow these steps:

  • click the Start button and select Control Panel;
  • in the "Equipment and Sound" section, open the Device Manager;
  • if there is no "Image Processing" folder in the list or there, but it does not displays a connected WEB camera, then the problem with the cable or the device itself;
  • if the WEB camera is displayed in the "Other Devices" folder, then the driver of the drivers is done with the errors, you need to update the driver.


Other sources of drivers for web cameras:

  • installation disk supplied with the device;
  • free driver from the official site of the manufacturer web cameras (search for the device model).

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When connecting some devices there is a certain sequence of actions. Most often, you must first install the driver, and then connect the device. If you do vice versa, the operating system can install one of the files available from it, which will later conflict with the driver installed. To solve such a problem, it is necessary to restore the system to the date preceding the first device connection.


If the WEB camera works on another computer or laptop, then the problem may wade in the operating system or the absence of the necessary drivers for the motherboard on USB connectors. First, refresh the drivers for the motherboard. If the problem is not eliminated, reinstall the operating system.


Do not refuse the driver installation, hoping that the necessary files are available in the operating system and will be installed automatically. On the disk that comes with web-camera, there is a file package for proper operation of additional features of a particular device (backlight, microphone, etc.).

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