How to make aviary

How to make aviary

Spacious aviary is the perfect accommodation for a four-liter friend. In a comfortable and cozy shelter, the dog can relax, eat and wait for the rain or the invasion of guests.

Before starting the construction of a dog "Apartments", it is necessary to determine the size of the design and draw an exemplary plan. When determining the dimensions of the future enclosure, focus on the growth of the pet - the larger the animal, the more spacious the platform of its "house" should be. So, a low-spirited dog (less than 55 cm in the withers) for a comfortable habitat will be enough 6 m.kv, the average (55-65 cm in the withers) is about 8-9 m.kv., and high (above 65 cm in the withers) - not less than 10-11 m.kv. The height of the structure should allow the pet freely to climb the hind legs and do not touch the head of the roof.

Wolter feed

Next, you must select a place to locate the aviary. It is best to place it in the front of the courtyard so that the home guard has the ability to maximize the area review - from the gate and wicket to the entrance doors to the house. To accommodate dog housing, choose a dry and bright place away from the parking area and cesspool - exhaust gases and toxic evaporations can harm the health of the pet. Ideal if the construction is protected from the hot sun and penetrating winds with trees or shrubs.


The first stage of building an enclosure is a foundation laying. It will strengthen the bearing base and protect the design from sending. To arrange the simplest belt foundation, dig a trench with a depth of 0.5-0.7 m, then make a wooden formwork for a suitable height. Fill in the deepening of gravel and pour with a solution. To protect the metal structural elements from corrosion, and wooden - from rotting, at the end of the cement froze, put waterproofing - the cutter of the rubryoid or dense polyethylene.

Wolter Fundam

For the next phase of work - everything the floor - you need the profile tubes and wooden planks of hardwood. Of pipes weld rectangular frame batten cavity fill wooden planks pretreated protective antiseptic. Above the timber lay a layer of insulating material. Next, make a low bed of gravel and fill the rectangle concrete solution. On top of the screed with wooden logs and proceed to the assembly plank floor. As the use of fasteners screw nails or screws. The finished wooden base once again pick the antiseptic impregnation. Such multi-layer flooring is considered to be the most durable and warm. An important caveat: make the floor at a slight incline, you will greatly facilitate the process of cleaning itself.

aviary floor

Next, proceed to the construction of the walls. As a rule, side and back walls made the deaf, and the front - ethmoid. Closed walls serve as a support for the roof and protects the dog shelter from strong winds, the grille also gives the possibility of four-legged watchman site survey. For the external cladding of solid walls, use any lining material (from slate to plastic panels) for interior - wooden planks. As an intermediate mineral wool insulation take any foam. For sightseeing wall cook fence profiled square tubes. The optimal spacing between the bars -. 5-10 cm When welding trellis frame be sure to leave an opening at the front door. The important thing: deaf one of the remaining walls are below 30-40 cm - such a step is necessary for the erection of a sloping roof.


The next step - the construction of a pent roof. As mentioned above, it should be installed at a slight incline towards the drainage system - otherwise precipitation will fall into the cage and collect under the wood flooring. As the roofing is better to use tiles, slate or soft rolled materials. When erecting the roof carefully seal all the joints between the roof and the upper edges of the walls.


Upon completion of construction of the enclosure, set box and bird feeder. If resources permit - booth can be purchased at a specialty store, with a limited budget it is possible to build on their own - a skeleton collected from tongue and groove boards, cased inside a foam, and the outside - thick waterproof plywood. "House" to place the pet at a blank wall, and attach the feeder to the grid at a height of 25-40 cm from the floor.

aviary feeder

Good luck in construction and grateful guards!

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