How to make goods in the VK group

How to make goods in the VK group

VKontakte is at the moment the popular social network, which also enjoy the youth, and adults. This social network is created not only to communicate, but also to buy products to profitable and sell them. Statistics shows that at the moment the names of the names this social network is a leading trading platform. Let us consider in more detail how to add goods to the trade group of the social network under consideration.

Nuances of the trading process in social network

To engage in private entrepreneurship in reality business is profitable. But do not forget that a lot depends on the solvency of the client and the amount of taxes, because these two factors become decisive in the amount of profit. It turns out that there is probability to stay with the nose, because prices are constantly growing, taxes are also and what to do in this case if the desire does not accumulate? In fact, there is an option to earn, and at the same time do not invest anything, and not even pay taxes (but you should not forget that such activities can be attributed to illegal).

Let us with you in detail and carefully consider the type of earnings in question and find out all the nuances of this process, secrets and details that everyone who wants to do this business should know.

If earlier in the social network under consideration it was necessary to create a special page for the management of a trading business, today you can do without any problems to trade any product from your personal page, that is, a personal profile. What simplifies the whole process, and, at times.

It turns out that you first made your page, add a very long time of friends and when the page became socially active, you can start a trading business directly from it. Everything is simple enough, the main thing, to understand the sequence of actions, so, add goods to your social page VKontakte:

  • For a start, the user must go to the section called "Goods", which you can find near the ribbon with your photos, so you do not have to search in a separate file.
  • Now that you went to the section specified above, you must find in the list of functions to "apply". In order to choose such a function, it just needs to be found in the list and click once the mouse button on it.
  • Now it's time to fill in the fields that you will see in the form issued to you on the monitor screen. In this case, you must enter the name, and descriptions, parameters, cost, and other criteria that will give the concept to the consumer about what this product is and for what it is needed. The fields must be filled in accordance with the desire of the seller, so it is determined by what exactly write.

Advantages of shopping pages in VKontakte

In order to realize and understand how profitable the case may be obtained, it is necessary to consider how all the preferential characteristics are required:

  • To organize sales in the social network under consideration very simply and will be able to cope with this task, even a newcomer in this area.
  • The seller, if desired and some efforts can have a huge client base, because the audience of the social network under consideration is 90 million users today.
  • You can place goods in priority for friends
  • Communicative system with top level buyers
  • You can sell products of any type, type, size

On a series of with this there are also its shortcomings, which "Social" entrepreneur should know about:

  • this product is usually sold to retail
  • today, there is a lot of catalogs in the social network, and yours can just get lost in a variety of available.
  • follow the goods will not work, but for some buyers this criterion is one of the most important

Useful advice

In order for the sale on the social network to be effective, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • First of all, you should pay your attention to the quality of photos of your products, because the appearance has always had a value for the buyer. If the buyer comes to the sales page and sees the washed photographs, a poor quality product, be sure that it is very great that he will not add you to friends and will not go again on your page.
  • Do not forget that the size of photos of all goods must be the same, it is an important factor in the correct design of the trading page. Need to understand. That only the correct design can attract new customers.

  • Remember that the style should in any case. If you start adding photos on one background (in case of self-making photos), continue to do it further.
  • There is another very important factor - it is best to exhibit photos of goods on people (if it concerns clothes and various kinds of things). Goods that are just hanging on Trempel or lie on some background. Surfaces are not too attracting the buyer, because he needs to see how this thing will sit on the body.
  • Some merchants exhibit photographs of models in clothes and cut them off their heads, so do not do, because it often scares buyers, and therefore it will be more difficult to sell such goods, so have this fact in mind.

Move the trading page in VKontakte is not at all difficult. You just need to know the details of this process, which are described above in the article.

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