How to make a gingerbread house at home

How to make a gingerbread house at home

One of the fun and interesting sessions during the New Year holidays is baking a gingerbread house. Without this traditional dessert does not cost a winter holiday. Almost every family has its own proven recipe, which is transmitted by generations. What remains unchanged, so this is the process of assembling and decorating a sweet decor.
At home, bake a gingerbread house is very simple. How to do it? All answers are looking for in this article.

How to make a gingerbread house - Preparation and baking blanks

  • Prepare the dough that you often use for baking gingerbread gingerbread. Put it in the package and leave a couple of hours in the refrigerator.

  • While the dough is resting, make blank templates for a house. First decide the size of the sweet decor. Then cut the rectangle from the cardboard and the square with a pointed vertex. Get the dough, roll the layer with a thickness of 1 centimeter.

  • Transfer patterns to the reservoir. All you will need 4 rectangles and 2 figures for the front (rear) part of the house.

  • Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Put the baked form from the ginger test of 15 minutes. Determine the degree of readiness to the puncher. If it came out dry, then the dough is ready.

  • While the cakes did not cooled, cut the edges by the template. Do it with a sharp knife so that the cut line can have smooth edges. Such actions will ensure a dense connection of all parts of the house in the assembled form.

How to make a gingerbread house - assembling house parts

  • The glaze will help connect the templates from the dough. Whip proteins with powdered sugar before the formation of peaks.

  • The cakes must completely cool before assembly. Sidelights of each basis. Lubricate the protein mixture. Alternately lift parts of the decor and apply to each other.

  • To ensure the stability of the design, put a glass into the center of the house. Move it from one corner to another during the connection of the figures. Give glazes a little frost.

  • When the walls are collected, go to the roof setting. Korzh lubricate the icing on the edges. At this side, attach it to the carcass at home. Hold the shape in this position for 5-10 minutes until it firmly entrenches on the rest of the attachments.

  • In the same way, install the second roof roof. Hold your free hand to go together together.

How to make a gingerbread house - Decoration with sweet decor

  • Prepare or buy ready-made brown mastic. Instead of mastic, use a molten mixture of chocolate, oil, sugar and caramel. Roll it and cut into small rectangles.

  • Sell \u200b\u200bon one side of mastic strips with toothpicks. So you will have a drawing in the form of a tile.

  • Such blanks decorate the roof. Start gluing the mastic on cakes from the bottom row. Each next roof segment is over the previous one. Or in a checker order.

  • Imitation logs at the house Make a sweet straw. Cut it with parts of the desired size.

  • Create sweet wands you can with the glaze. First apply it to the entire surface of the walls of the house, then install the tubes.

  • The end of the roof decorate with separate sticks of straws and stripes of mastic. Attach all parts for the glaze.

  • Door and window cut out brown mastic. Also make stripes on them or carved edges. A handle for the door will be a sugar bead.

  • Install the shapes on the house until the mastic froze. Or lubricate the back of their face with icing.

  • Position the attic window between the doors and the roof. Apply the drawing on it in the form of two sash.

  • Christmas wreath cut out of mastic forms with different diameters. Lubricate the surface with syrup and sprinkle with green sugar.

  • Secure the decor above the door. Decorate a wreath with red edible beads.

  • Sprinkle with sugar powder dessert. So the house will be in the snow. Leave it to stick overnight, then stop the dish and serve the table.

Variants of gingerbread houses

Above it is only one way to decorate the New Year's decor. Show fantasy and make a gingerbread house with an original decoration for the festive table.

Now you know all the secrets of cooking traditional Christmas treats. The process of creating a gingerbread house will seem play if you adhere to such a simple master class. Therefore, you can bake it you can with children. Bon Appetit!

For more information, a recipe for baking a gingerbread house at home, see the video:

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