How to make a home noodle for soup - recipe

How to make a home noodle for soup - recipe

If your family members are reluctant to eat first dishes, then be sure to prepare soup with homemade noodles. To prepare pasta at home, optionally be an experienced cook. In our article you will find the simplest recipes of homemade noodles, which will definitely ask your relatives.

Classic noodle recipe

Noodles can be used not only for the preparation of the first dishes, but also for pasta and even salads. We offer you a classic home noodle option that is suitable for all dishes.

Required ingredients:

  • wheat flour (choose the highest grade exclusively) - 300 g;
  • chicken egg - 2-3 pcs;
  • vegetable refined oil - 1 tsp;
  • salt - pinch;
  • water boiled, cooled to room temperature - 1 tbsp.

If you have a large chicken eggs, then there will be 2 pieces, if the eggs are small - 3 pcs.

  • 1 stage - seek flour and pour it into a deep plate, in the middle Make a small recess;
  • 2 Stage - add eggs exactly in the middle (where the excavation was made) and start kneading the dough;
  • 3 Stage - add vegetable oil and water, continue to knead the dough;
  • 4 stages - prevent the dough until it keeps the whole flour;
  • 5 Stage - If the dough continues to stick to the hands - add 1 tsp. Water and continue the kneading.
  • 6 stage - to the surface where you will roll the dough, pour a bit of flour;
  • 7 Stage - Dough split into three equal parts and each of them roll up to a minimum thickness (2-3 mm.)
  • 8 Stage - Test rolling should be made by a rolling pin, roll dough until it starts to shift (it is from thickness and will depend on the aesthetic view of the finished dishes);
  • 9 Stage - Rolled Pancakes should dry a little, for this cover them with a kitchen wafer towel (it is important that the towel is not fluffy and did not leave the thread test);
  • 10 Stage - after 20 minutes. Each pancake roll into the tube (if the tube began to break, then you have stopped the dough);
  • 11 Stage - Start every tube to cut into small strips (you need to perform a sharp knife cutting).

You can use the finished noodles immediately after cooking or leave to push. Noodles can be stored in a polyethylene pack or plastic container.

Diet home noodles

The girls who are followed by the figure refuse their soup from homemade noodles. We picked up a special noodle recipe that will not add extra kilograms.

Required ingredients:

  • rice flour or flour of solid wheat varieties;
  • egg yolks - 2 pcs.;
  • chilled water (can be pre-freeze) - 3 tbsp.;
  • salt is a pinch.

The cooking process of noodles is quite simple, but many mistresses are afraid to cook it. If you perform all the steps clearly and correctly, the pasta at home will be the first time.

  • 1 step - flour sink through a sieve, pour into a deep plate;
  • 2 step - separate proteins from yolks (it is desirable that the eggs are room temperature), add to flour;
  • 3 step - Start your body and gradually add water (the exact amount of water is not possible, approximately 1.5 -2 tbsp., Look at the test state);
  • 4 step - add salts and continue the test of the test until it becomes cool and will not stick to the hands;
  • 5 step - the dough wrap the food film and remove in the refrigerator for 20 minutes;
  • 6 Step - Sprinkle the working surface with flour and put on it chilled, steep dough;
  • 7 step - divide the dough into 2 equal parts, roll the rolling pin to 5 mm thick.;
  • 8 step - the resulting cakes to fix at the edge of the table, so that the dough began to stretch under its weight (the cakes should be practically transparent) and give to the tortillas to dry out a little natural way;
  • 9 Step - Dried cakes folded into the tube and start cutting into small strips (length and width of the finished noodle you choose individually).

Noodles is ready for use immediately after cutting.

You can also cook noodles from buckwheat or rye flour. Store the finished noodle is better in the container, pre-add in the oven.

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