How to pierce your ears with a gun

How to pierce your ears with a gun

Women watch themselves, trying to make themselves more beautiful, sophisticated and chic. One of these ways is to pierce your ears, because then you can wear expensive and beautiful earrings, supplement your image with beautiful jewels and jewelery. Immediately the question arises - what method is optimal for punching holes in the ears? Today, the most common is the puncture of the ear with the help of a pistol. Let's explore this question more. And we learn everything about this procedure and your ears after it.

For or against?

Each girl, and a woman, too, sure that the earrings will make them more beautiful, although if you think, it is just a decoration on the ears and no more, but, despite this, almost every female man has holes for earrings in His ears. Some are solved for puncture at an early age (often girls pierce their ears under the year), and some do it already in the conscious age (most often teenagers). Whenever you dreamed about such a step, remember that the ears pierce is still the floor of the case, because it is very important to care for them.

As in any other question. In those considered, there are two opposite opinions - someone with the hands of the puncture with the pistol, others - categorically against. Let's study all sides of this issue to decide which group of people you will treat.

If we consider the negative sides of this issue, then:

  • It must be remembered that such points are located on the urine of each person. In which it is not advisable to get acute subjects, because they are responsible for the health of a certain body and if they accidentally get into one of them, it can negatively affect health. It is worth noting that this concerns not only a pistol puncture, but also needle.
  • The pistol is pierced ears from medical gold (often), and some are allergic. In consequence, we have - an allergic reaction, the appearance of pus and other unpleasant moments for health.

If we talk about positive moments, then:

  • in the ears you can "insert" very beautiful earrings
  • if you correctly care for your ears after a puncture, then no serious health problems will arise
  • the method is very comfortable, simple and practically painless

If you still decide to pierce your ears yourself or your child, then you need to be fully informed on this issue. Everything should begin with preparation for such a process.

Preparation for punishing the ears

The first question that occurs is how many years it is best to pierce the ears with a gun:

  • Specialists suggest that it is allowed to piercing the ears to a child aged 7-11 months. The condition in this case is one thing - the child must be healthy in all respects.
  • If you decide to calculate the ears at the age of 14 or 20. Do not worry, it is more painful and it will not be worse.

  • It is not recommended to calculate the ears with newborns and children under 6 months.

Before you come to a specialist for puncture, you need to:

  • Go to an ophthalmologist, and if there are vision problems, then the puncture procedure will have to be postponed.
  • It is also necessary to turn to an allergist. It should be understood that a child or a girl should not be an allergic reaction to the material, from which the earrings will be made, which the luges will be calcined.
  • Do not go to the crossing of the ears if you have skin problems or too low immunity.
  • Choose a specialist carefully, he must be really a professional who does not have any problems after the procedure.
  • If you decide to pour ears a very small child, you need to choose a salon where the gun will be completely silent and small.
  • Wash your head at mandatory before. How to go on piercing ears. Because dirty hair is the first factor that can affect the hygiene of the entire procedure.

The tingling procedure of ears

Like any other process, everything here is produced in stages and in order not to worry about the specialist in the office, it is necessary to know exactly how to pass the pistol with the pistol:

  • The master carefully examines the ears of the child and that he will pierce the ears and only after that continues the procedure. In the event that some corporal damage or wounds are found, then the procedure is postponed until the skin tissue is completely reduced.
  • Now it is necessary to mark a special marker of the point, in which the pistol has a needle. They must be scheduled very accurately, on the same level, so that this process needs to pay enough attention.
  • The next stage is the use of a "gun" to puncture the ears. This is a unit that is visually similar to the household stapler, an inside of it is a needle, which will be punctured.
  • After the bump ears, consult a specialist - how to properly care for your ears after such a procedure. General recommendations are as follows:
  • Earring after puncture is not recommended soon. At least, it is necessary to walk with them 3-4 months. It should be understood that such holes in the ears will very quickly overgrow if they remove the earrings and then wear them will be very difficult and otherwise, hurt.

  • Within 30-45 days, it is impossible to swim in open natural reservoirs. There is a high probability of infection.
  • In the healing period, the ears are not recommended to use other people's mobile phones, towels and other things that you will touch the ears.

It is not worth afraid of this procedure, it is not particularly painful and relatively safe, especially if you will correctly care for your ears after the procedure.

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