How to become a well-groomed and beautiful girl

How to become a well-groomed and beautiful girl

A beautiful girl is not the one that has an attractive appearance, and that that is brought up and well-groomed. It is not so simple to become so simple, here you need persistence, desire and desire. If you have such damks, then you can turn into a well-groomed girl. How to do it right, to pay attention to, we will tell you.

What prevents women to be well-groomed?

  • Family tradition. If the grandmother is the main thing is to be economic, and well-groomed goes to the background, then the girl will be difficult to defend its position to look different. If you have a similar situation, then you need to feel whether you agree with such an opinion. If not, then take the situation in your hands and change yourself.
  • The desire to hide. This desire is not conscious, it arises from those in childhood received emotional injuries. For example, a girl in childhood drifting in front of the mirror, and her mother scored her for it. The child concluded that being attractive and beautiful bad. What to do in such cases? You did not receive support for loved ones in childhood, what prevents you from giveing \u200b\u200bit to yourself? You can give yourself everything that you lacked like that in childhood.
  • Lack of habit. Probably, everyone knows how difficult it is to get used to something: they carry for some reason, the first two or three days there are excitement, and then he disappears somewhere, and with him and the desire to continue to do this business. Similarly, with care for your appearance. We advise you to break our new lesson for several stages - do not grab everything and immediately, and do everything gradually. Choose something one, for example, hair care, 21 days care for them, then to this habit, add other skin care, and so on.
  • The lack of knowledge. Personal care - is a science, which contains many secrets, subtleties and nuances. Unaware of all this, is not so easy to achieve a good result. In art, beauty first theory, then practice.

How to become a well-groomed and beautiful girl - hair

They should always be kept clean. Horror stories about what you can wash your hair no more than twice a week - this is nonsense. Hair wash when dirty, all this happens in different ways. As for color, it should be carried out on a regular basis, because the regrown roots will give your image a untidiness.

How to become a well-groomed and beautiful girl - Leather

Unfortunately, not every one of us is the owner of a beautiful porcelain skin, like statues of Greek goddesses. Not one dorogushchy foundation cream or powder from the well-known manufacturer will not hide frankly scruffy skin. Learn the rules of the daily care of their skin and regularly practice them.

How to become a well-groomed and beautiful girl - manicure

You know that well-groomed woman starts with grooming her hands? Even if a man and do not stand in line to kiss your beautiful pen, but believe me, the rough skin on the hands and manicure stale they will notice for sure.

How to become a well-groomed and beautiful girl - shoes

If you want to become a well-groomed and beautiful girl, throw all their old shoes and beveled. Forget all of the flip-flops, these shoes just for the beach or garden. Your shoes should be constant beautiful shoes with heels, skinny leg boots, ballet flats neat. As for the stockings, they must be black or skin color, no pictures, flowers and Veins.

How to become a well-groomed and beautiful girl - makeup

Natural beauty is above all, but sometimes it would not hurt to emphasize what you had given Mother Nature. The main thing is not to overdo it and not to be confused with evening make-up day. Another very important point - the focus is on either the eyes or the lips.

How to become a well-groomed and beautiful girl - clothes

Here the important thing is to wear properly fitted to the shape and age. If you want to be well-groomed and beautiful girl in your wardrobe should be: the little black dress, white swordsman, black pants, a beige sweater, cashmere coats of pastel shades, a pencil skirt, four pairs of shoes.

If you are not afraid of difficulties and still want to be a beautiful and well-groomed, then start to adhere to our advice. Believe me, you do not have to wait for a positive result for a long time.

Comments leave a comment
Manya 16/11/2018 at 15:17

I am duuma, it is important not only by external means to help look well-groomed and beautiful, but also internal too. It is necessary to eat right, play sports, vitamins and additives (I have a triple Omega-3 Evalarovskaya, for example). It all helps to stay beautiful)

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