How to cook greek salad?

How to cook greek salad?

Well, who will refuse fresh, fragrant Greek sala, probably only those who have allergies to some of its components. Today I would like to consider the recipe for a delicious Greek salad, sort out the true ingredients.

Ingredients for salat

To date, on the Internet and in many other sources, you can find a lot of recipes for Greek salad, the ingredients are similar, the essence remains the same, but at the same time, they all differ in each other. Let's deal with you how to prepare a real classic Greek salad, the recipe of which does not change from the date of its foundation. So, let's start considering the ingredients:

  • The first ingredient, which is one of the main it - cucumbers. Choose cucumbers for the salad under consideration need carefully. Firstly, their size should be average, no huge cucumbers or rootes - golden middle.
  • Tomatoes - must be dense, elastic, but at the same time, completely ripe, the tails on them should be slightly dried, this is the main sign of their maturity. The housing tomatoes are not suitable as pink. For Greek salad, round, smooth, red tomatoes are needed.
  • Salad "Romano", it is that this subspecies of a lathouse is the most crunchy and at the same time, juicy sheets. Its many are replaced by the leaves of ordinary salad, which is a gross disorder when preparing a real Greek salad. Romano is also used for the preparation of Caesar's classic salad.
  • Lemons. In this case, the fruits should be ripe, but at the same time solid, lemons with a soft skin are not suitable for our salad.

  • Onion. The choice in this case is unambiguous - red. It is impossible to replace it with green, nor the repressed, so this factor is also worth considering when the Greek salad is prepared.
  • Olives. Some confuse them with olives, so we need black olives, inside which there is no bone. Replace them on green olives - not permissible, because in a classic recipe everything is definitely, and to replace the ingredients to others - it is impossible, because it will not be a Greek salad, but a parody of him.
  • Butter. Mandatory olive, it will come to the salad of a special notch of piquancy.
  • Orego. Without this spice, the Greek salad will no longer be classic, so if you decide to cook everything as it should be, then without this seasoning just do not do.
  • Chees Feta. Some manage to replace him with cheese with walnuts or Suluguni, but as you already understood. If the feta cheese is required, it means there should be no other cheese in the salad.

Preparation instructions

And one more very important detail, one of the features of such salad is a large cutting of the ingredients. Let's not walk around to around, and consider detailed and clear instructions for the preparation of this exquisite salad:

  • The first in the "fight" go cucumbers. It is necessary to cut the edges of the cucumbers, and get rid of the skins (but only if it is with bitterness). We cut the cucumber in half and cut into small half rings. Pour the chopped vegetables into the deep dishes cooked in advance, where all the ingredients for salad will be mixed.
  • Tomators will go to the salad. We cut them in half to get rid of the hearts and each of the halves will need to be divided into three equal parts, so that from each tomato, we will have 6 parts (the number of parts will depend directly on the size of the tomato, the optimal option is the average tomato). Pour in the dishes to the cucumbers.
  • Red onion will be the third component. We cut in half the bulb and cut it with half rings.
  • Chees Feta. Such cheese is mandatory need to be cut into quite large pieces (cubes). Gently lay out in the dishes to the rest of the ingredients pieces of feta, but neatly so that they do not break down, because the cheese is very gentle and sufficiently soft.

  • Remember the Romano Salad can not cut, such a salad rifles with hands on fairly large parts and decay the feta cheese from above.
  • The next component in the salad will be black olives without seeds. Of course, you can buy with bones, but then the wruffs will be more, and it can also happen that the bone will not lag behind the meakty, and this will lead to a damage of the appearance of the olive. They are poured into a salad entirely and you can add a sufficiently large amount, because in this case, the salad spoil is practically impossible.
  • Now it remains small, to fill the sauce sauce. First, in the salad we squeeze the lemon juice from fresh lemon, and manually, to even a piece of peel or vein in the dish.
  • After that, a small amount of olive oil will be added to the salad.
  • Oregano will need quite a bit, no more than half of the teaspoon.

After all the components are in the same dish, gently mix it, and can be served to the table. In restaurants such a restaurant served portion, it is so, for general information, so have this fact in mind.


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