How to cook salad with tuna

How to cook salad with tuna

Salads with tuna - a fairly popular dish. The thing is that they are very easy to cook, they are tasty and useful, as well as nutritious, but at the same time, they have enough calorie. Such salads are popular among vegetarians, since they do not contain meat, but at the same time they are a sufficiently satisfying dish. People who follow their food and health are increasingly resorting to such salads.

Light vegetable salad with canned tuna

To prepare this salad, take the following set of products:

  • skusk tuna (canned);
  • tomatoes or Cherry Tomatoes);
  • fresh cucumbers;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • onion;
  • eggs;
  • olive oil for refueling;
  • salt;

This fairly fast and light salad is prepared for ten minutes.

  • First, put the eggs to bother. This is not the main ingredient of lettuce, but rather his decoration, so you should not boil many eggs. Focus on the calculation of one half of the egg on the portion of salad. If you will use quail eggs to prepare this salad, then in this case a larger number of eggs are allowed.
  • Tomatoes, cucumbers and onions cut into small cubes, and lettuce leaves with hands. Mix the resulting salad and salt to taste.
  • From above on a salad, lay out pieces of canned tuna, as well as halves of boiled eggs and pour everything with olive oil. Salad is ready to eat!

Fast and satisfying salad with beans and tuna

To make this salad do not need to be a cook, since it is pretty simple. The main thing is that you have the following products at hand:

  • canned tuna;
  • canned beans;
  • fresh tomatoes;
  • any herbs;
  • lemon juice;
  • red onion;
  • salt;
  • olive oil or sunflower oil.

  • Cut the tomatoes into small pieces, and onion half rings.
  • Add to them the canned beans and tuna.
  • Salad decorate fresh greens, fuel with vegetable oil and lemon juice, sprinkle to taste.

Festive Bullen Salad with Fregat Tuna

This budgetary, delicious and satisfying salad will greatly decorate any holiday table, and will not require you a lot of time and effort. Even a novice hostess will cope with his cooking.

For the preparation of Fregat salad, take the following products:

  • rice;
  • tuna;
  • carrot;
  • cheese;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt.

  • First of all, you will need to boil rice and carrots until their readiness.
  • Next, start laying out the salad layers. The first layer will serve boiled rice that you need to evenly distribute the salad bowl and suck with mayonnaise.
  • The second layer will go canned tuna. Tuna is best taken in oil, in this case this layer does not have to miss mayonnaise. If you have a tuna in your own juice, then in this case, the addition of mayonnaise is necessary.
  • The third layer will serve terrify boiled carrots, which should also be missed by mayonnaise.
  • The fourth and last layer will be grated on the grated cheese, which also needs to be well melted with mayonnaise.
  • Ready salad decorate at your discretion. Very spectacularly on this salad will look boats, made of halves of boiled eggs and a piece of fresh cucumber.

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