How to cook pasta with cheese?

How to cook pasta with cheese?

Pasta with cheese is a simple, but very tasty dish. Many remember him from a kindergarten, and in the US pasta with cheese, in general, occupied the honorable place among the classics of American cuisine. The dish is preparing simply, the ingredients are required for it the most accessible, which is always in any house.

Classic recipe macaroni with cheese

For the preparation of the dish will be required:

  • 1/2 Packaging of any pasta from the flour of solid varieties.
  • 100 g of any cheese, better solid.
  • A small piece of cream oil.
  • Salt, pepper to taste.

How to cook:

  • Pasta boil in large quantities of salt water.
  • Cooking strictly according to the time specified on the macaron package so as not to dive.
  • Finished pasta pour, do not rinse.
  • Share pasta in the pan, sprinkle with cheese, add oil.
  • Stir, wait, when oil and cheese melt.
  • You can serve on the table, lovers can sprinkle a dish of a finely chopped greens.

Macaroni with American Cheese

This is one of the most popular American dishes, it is served in any institution, a cafe or restaurant, and adults are adults, and children, and can prepare almost everything.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • Spaghetti - 200 g.
  • Fat cream - 100 ml.
  • 130 g of cheese (Parmesan usually used).
  • 60 g of butter.
  • Salt, pepper, greenery to taste.

How to cook:

  • Spaghetti boil in large quantities of salt water until readiness. By time it will be about 6-8 minutes.
  • Cheese will lose the most finely as possible.
  • Cream, cheese, salt, pepper and butter are heated in a pan or a saucepan. Do not boil, the main thing is that cheese and oil diverged.
  • Share Spaghetti in the resulting sauce, mix, give a little standing and can be served to the table.
  • Optionally sprinkle with greens.

Pasta with cheese and bacon

  • Macaroni any, it is better to take an interesting form, spiral or butterfly - 600 g.
  • 230 g bacon (stripes).
  • 330 g of solid grade cheese.
  • Garlic - 1 teeth.
  • Vegetable oil - the amount at the discretion of the chef.
  • Greens - a small beam (parsley is perfect).
  • Cherry tomatoes - a small handy. It is better to choose varieties with soft skin.
  • Salt, pepper, spices to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Preheat the frying pan with butter.
  • To send cherry tomatoes, sliced \u200b\u200bon halves, warm up.
  • To add a finely chopped bacon and chopped garlic to them.
  • After a while in the pan, pour finely chopped greenery.
  • Sell, salt and pepper.
  • Pasta boil in sufficient salted water, time to follow the package. In water during cooking, add vegetable oil to prevent sticking of pasta.
  • Water from macaroni to merge, send to the pan to the other ingredients, mix everything thoroughly.
  • To lose cheese on a petty grater, sprinkle pasta and put on a slow fire to warm up so that the cheese is completely melted.
  • Dish is ready, you can serve to the table.

Macaroni with cheese can be both a simple snack and a fashionable dish in an expensive restaurant. Here is a recipe, a method of cooking and feeding. But the taste of macaroni with cheese, familiar since childhood, can not confuse with anything.

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