How to cook Muffins

How to cook Muffins

Foreign sweet dish called Muffin quickly got spread in our country. Baking reminiscent of ordinary cupcakes, however, it is much more magnificent and softer. The variety of muffins allows you to open new recipes with different filling and dough consistency. Take advantage of this recipe to surprise your guests and please children. Depending on your preferences, you can add chocolate, mousse, whipped cream and any other additives - so you will create your own recipe for a familiar dessert. Bare in spices in advance.

What is needed for maffin cooking

It is chocolate muffins that received their spread around the world. Try to make them by adding your favorite stuffs:

  • Take 250 grams of wheat top grade flour.
  • 150 Gy of butter is not salty.
  • 150 gr sugar. If sugar cane, then it is better to take less.
  • 2 large eggs.
  • 5 tablespoons of cocoa bitter.
  • 100-130 ml of warm milk.
  • use 2 teaspoons of a baking powder or hawed soda.

Of course, you will need molds for cupcakes. They can be silicone, paper, ceramic - what are you just used to use. At the cooking stage, you can add any dry spices: cinnamon, lemon zest, coffee, cardamom, ginger, carnation. You can get really original tastes and recipes. You can also come up with a stuffing and download it later by a confectionery syringe in the ready-made Madfin. Everything is limited to your fantasy and feeling of taste.

Recipe for maffin cooking

First of all, put the creamy little soften into a warm place. It is best to put a briquette in a saucepan and send to the battery. Please note that the microwave for softening the oil is not suitable.

  • While the oil is heated, you need to heat and milk. Use any convenient way to you, most importantly, do not overlay it, and bring to warm, not hot condition.
  • Add cocoa to milk and solvent well. It's not entirely scary if Cocoa leaves the sediment.
  • Move already soft oil. It should not grow and be bright yellow, it is better that it resembled a cream when you are trying to mive it with a fork. Add sugar to it and scroll to homogeneous mass.
  • Mix a mixture of cocoa and oil. Actively work for a fork so that the mixture becomes homogeneous, without lumps. It is impossible to beat it at this stage. If the mixture has become cold, then heat it again.
  • Once you have achieved the desired consistency, you can safely add eggs. Already at this stage you need to beat the future dough. If you have a mixer - use it if not, the whin is suitable.
  • Through the sieve, add flour with small portions and immediately mix the mixture with a fork from the bottom up.

  • Once you have added all the flour, go to the bass. Mix it well. If you quit the soda, do not forget to give her to steal well.
  • Now lubricate molds for cupcakes, if required. Pour in them the dough half, no more. Madfins will greatly rise, consider it.

  • Put them in the oven for 180 degrees half an hour. Carefully watch the dough it does not break.
  • Check the readiness with a wooden stick or toothpick. If Muffin does not stick to her, then everything is ready.

Get baking and decorate her at your request. You can cook protein cream and put it beautifully in the form of flowers on the muffin. Then you will have so-called cupcakes. Do not forget that the recipe can be upgraded as you want.

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