How to dry onions

How to dry onions

Each hostess knows that all vegetables must be kept in order to prevent the infliction and damage to the crop. Onions are considered unpretentious in storage if it is pre-dry pre-dry. It is from drying and will depend on the condition of the useful vegetable. In our article, we will tell how to properly dry onions at home using different methods.

Dry onion after harvesting

When the vegetable is dug away from the bed, it must be left in the fresh air under the right sunlight a few hours so that the rest of the land in Luke retired without difficulty. To cover the polyethylene film, the digital culture is not recommended, thereby creating a greenhouse effect and increase the chances of rapid fog.

After drying under the sun, the onions are transferred to a dark place without drafts for 5-7 days, the tops are not cut down. Vegetables preferably decompose on the floor so that they do not come into contact with each other. No need to dry a hill culture, pour layers, so good drying will not work. At the end of the specified period, we turn to the preparation of long drying and storage:

  • 1 method - in grids. The onions are moving, the filter roots and the tops are removed by hand, they should be easy to succumb. On the bottom of the special grids (we can also use wicker bags or pantyhose tights);
  • 2 way - in boxes. Onions can be dried and stored in plastic containers, the main thing to make ventilation holes in them. When using this method, vegetables are required regularly (1 time per week) to sort, and the box needs to be crushed so that the bulbs are rolled to the other side;
  • 3 way - in braids. Weaving braid from Luka is considered one of the most beautiful ways of drying, and some peoples have such braids are a powerful faith. For such weaving, there are 5 cm long. The finished weaving is tied up and stored in a dry place.

All methods are suitable for any Luke's variety.

Low onions in the oven and outdoors

To make the workpiece of natural spices, the hostess dried on and green onions. Such seasoning can be added to different dishes, and the vegetable does not lose its useful properties. Onions can be easily dried under the sun, for this you must make some uncomplicated manipulations:

  • 1 step - Clean the onions from the husks and cut into random order (cubes, rings, straw, etc.) with a thickness of no more than 5 mm;
  • 2 step - chopped vegetable bag or another smooth surface, which is covered with parchment paper;
  • 3 step - covered with one layer of fine gauze and put on fresh air so that the onions hit the straight sun rays;
  • 4 step - after 1 day of drying, paper must be replaced and continued drying;
  • 5 Step - Periodically check the state of the bow, by 5 days it should start to filure (periodically make a slight mixing manually).

Total drying time will be up to 14 days. Finished onions move to plastic containers or plastic bags to avoid high humidity.

If you want to speed up the drying process, then you can use the oven. In just 1 day of simple work and natural seasoning will appear in your kitchen.

  • 1 step - onions prepare in a similar way, as described above;
  • 2 step - a baking sheet of bakery paper, put a crushed bow;
  • 3 step - heat the oven to 60 degrees, place the baking sheet and dry 5-7 hours (the door of the brass cabinet should be slightly ajar);
  • 4 step - every hour I check the boominess of the bow, slightly turn the baking sheet so that the particles do not glue.

Similarly, useful fruits are prepared in the electric grid and aerogrile, according to the instructions of your technology.

Well dried onions stored in the basement. Be sure to check the vegetables for the presence of rotten and sprouted fruits. The bow, which was dried for a spice, feels great in the kitchen cabinet, but it is not recommended to keep it next to the croups.

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