How to proper carrots

How to proper carrots

In order for the harvest of carrots to go to fame, she needs to ensure proper care. With proper care, you will get a generous harvest. Shoot carrots - painstaking work. You need to know how to cut forward carrots.

How to proper carrots - place for landing

Before planting carrots, for further ease of thinning, it is necessary to choose a suitable place for sowing. With incorrect selection of space, you will be in addition to thinning carrots, spend a huge effort to break the weed. Choose the cleanest plot of land from weed in your garden and drink carrots seeds. Place for landing is best started to prepare from autumn. It must be loosened, overcoat and choose all the roots of weeds. And in the spring, it is only worth the soil and proceed to sowing carrots.

How to proper carrots - conditions for carrot growth

In order for the carrot seeds to give favorable shoots and weeds did not score sprouts, it is necessary to take advantage of some cunning. It is to immediately after sowing, abundant irrigation, cover the carrot film for 10-20 days. In order to not give a weed of the right to life, and the solid crust of the Earth was not formed, through which carrots sprouts are unable to break through. The number of days depends on weather conditions when heat is less than days, cold - more days. During this period of time, the root system will strengthen and after removing the film, it will go into growth. And only after that you need to break forward for the first time.

How to proper carrots - Carrot care

The thinning of carrots must be carried out in two stages:

  • The first stage must begin with weeding the beds from weeds, if any. Shoot carrots are best for all hands, but some gardeners prefer such a painstaking work to perform with the help of tweezers. Often, carrots on the hole are sown to the eye, in order to protect themselves from a bad shoot. Therefore, often, carrots booms very thickly and it is necessary to cut forward. It is best to start shortly after shooting when you can easily distinguish carrots on the first sheet of weed. It is necessary to cut forward with extreme caution, in order not to damage the root systems of the rest of carrots. To do this, you need to pull the carrot, pulling it strictly up, and nothing else. Also for ease of thinning, it is necessary to pre-moisten the bed with water. During the thinning, it is necessary to create the same distance between the plants, approximately 2-2.5 cm. A week after thinning, it is necessary to leave the garden once again, it is previously watering.

  • The second stage must be carried out in about a month. During this time, the carrots will significantly grow up and it will become closely. This time you need to observe the distance between carrots about 5 cm when thinning. This distance is the most optimal for growing this root. They say, the less often the carrots are planted, the better, but it is not. When the roots are planted very rarely, they grow large size, deformed and not sweet. Therefore, it is worth adhere to these recommendations. Valid vegetables can be eaten.

How to proper carrots - useful tips

  • Before thinning, do not forget to pour a bed.
  • The best time for thinning carrots is the morning, since at this time there is no carrot fly. This pest is considered the main enemy of the root. At another time of the day she, having heard the fresh smell of the top, would fly to him. In the loose land, she lays eggs, which will refuse your crop in the future.
  • After you have broke your carrots, weave the earth, so that the pest did not postponed the eggs.
  • It is recommended to sprinkle with ashes as ashes or pepper to scare the pest.
  • If desired, the shredded carrots can be transplanted, but you need to be prepared for the fact that it will be a little smaller size.
  • The distance between the roots can be controlled by the size and sweetness of the vegetable. The more distance - the more size. The smaller the distance, the sweeter of the vegetable.

When thinning, do not spare, eat carrots according to the above recommendations, thereby get a generous harvest of the useful and tasty vegetable.

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