How to eat chokopay

How to eat chokopay

Relatively recently, the entire Internet flooded the interesting product "Chokopay", disputes about its use did not subscribe for a very long time. Let's find out today how correctly there is a "chokope" and how can you cook it with your own hands.

Choco Pie

Recently, a lot of video appeared in YouTube that most consumers do not eat this famous cookie, and there was a lot of disputes on this. Let's see more in more detail in how it is still correct and tastier to eat it and consider the option of self-preparation of this cookie.


At the end of September last year, a publication appeared on the social network called Twitter that Choco Pie would be tastier if it was put in a microwave oven for a while. Not everyone agreed with such an opinion, and many disputes arose about this. In fact, it all depends on taste preferences, but let's figure it out in more detail. Before it is decided how it is better to use this product, let's find out how to prepare it at home.

Do not think what cookies are too difficult to cook. No supernatural ingredients for this will not need, most importantly, approach this case with all seriousness and thoroughness. The product under consideration is a sweet type cookie, which is perfectly combined with any drink and cold, and hot. Let's start with the clarification of all the necessary components for the preparation of this dessert with cream. For the test you will need:

  • Creamy oil - 150 g
  • Powder sugar - 150 g
  • Chicken Egg - 2 pieces
  • Cream - a couple of tablespoons
  • Flour of the first grade - 350 g
  • Dough breakner - teaspoon

For cream you need the following products:

  • Cream - 250 ml
  • Sugar sand - 120 g
  • Water (fitted) - 100 ml
  • Gelatin - 25 g

For the glaze, the only thing that will need is a pair of black tiles (or milk if desired) chocolate. For the preparation of this dessert you will leave no more than two hours.

Step-by-step recipe Cooking Choco Pie:

  • First you need to warm up the butter. This can be done both in a microwave (without wrapper) and on a gas or electric cooker.
  • After the oil melted the cavity, add sugar powder there. Mix these components.
  • Follow the cream, flour, eggs and dough breakdown - and again, we are thoroughly mixed. Very large in the preparation of this cookie plays the thoroughness of mixing of all ingredients.
  • The next step - we knead the dough and here all the components need to be mixed well. Now we send the finished dough in a cold place for 60 minutes (the optimal option is to cover the film and send to the refrigerator).

While the dough insists in a cold place, proceed to cooking cream for our Choco Pie:

  • Pour sugar into deep dishes, add cream there and all this is processed by a mixer.
  • In another dish, it will be necessary to make the gelatin mixture (breed with warm water powder).
  • We pour the resulting gelatin mixture into the cream and beat all the mixer for a very long time.
  • We send ready-made cream to cool in the refrigerator. It should be noted that too thick the cream should not be.

Let's go back to the test:

  • Roll over thin dough, we take a glass or a glass (depending on the diameter of your Choco Pie) and make circles.
  • We lay out the mugs on the tray, pre-put the parchment paper there.
  • Heat the oven up to 180 degrees, after which we put there a baking sheet with circles for 8-10 minutes.
  • It's time to pull out the finished biscuit from the oven. We leave for time so that it can, as it should be cool.
  • Divide the ready-made "circles" into two parts, one of them you will be smeared with a cream that will need to get from the refrigerator, the second half - cover the circle with cream from above.
  • We send Choco Pie back to the cold place for half an hour.
  • While Choco Pie is cooled, cast chocolate and pour each chocopia from two sides and again for the time in the refrigerator.

Eat Chokopai

You can actually eat Choco Pie in different ways, and let everyone choose his way, the main thing is that you like. But despite this, let's find out which methods of eating Choco Pie exist:

  • Take away from the box if you bought a chocopay in the store or take away from the refrigerator, if you prepared them yourself and eat them for any drink you like - tea, coffee, power, juice, etc. This method is the easiest and most delicious.
  • The second way is to freeze chokopay and only after their cooling start to eating them. No one speaks to put them in the freezer for a day, just put them on 40 minutes in the refrigerator, then take out and eat.
  • The most popular way to eat them today is to eat them after they warmed up in a microwave oven. Put the chocopia on the plate and put in the microwave oven for 30-40 seconds, then take them from there, take the plug and eat with pleasure.

In order for sure to determine what kind of eating method will bring you more pleasure, you need to try each. Those who have already tried all the methods of eating suggest that cold chokopay is categorically different from the taste perception of cookies heated in a microwave oven, and the second option is much more tastier. Well, what, try, and enjoy your Choco Pie.

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