How chickenpox begins in children

How chickenpox begins in children

Chickenpox, or chickenpox is a viral infection. The herpes virus contributes to its spread. The disease is evidenced by the characteristic volumetric bubbles that cover the skin of the patient’s body. Chickenpox is accompanied by an increase in temperature and poisoning of the body.

How chickenpox begins in children - symptoms of the disease

The causative agent of an unpleasant disease is Varicella Zoster, the virus of chickenpox. The chickenpox has a bright clinical picture, therefore, in addition to examining the patient, additional diagnostic methods are not used. First, the skin is covered with a scattering of small red spots, which later become papules. At the last stage of the disease, instead of papules, bubbles with muddy fluid inside are formed. A strongly itching rash “spreads” along the skin and mucous membranes of the body.

Most often, the “contingent” of preschool institutions and schools is victims of the harmful virus - children from 2 to 10 years. Kids do not get sick for six months, since they are protected during this period by maternal immunity. But in isolated cases, the infection does not spare infants.

How chickenpox begins in children - the initial symptoms of the disease

The fact that the malaise of the baby is associated with chickenpox is hard to guess right away, since the first signs of the disease are non -specific. Primary diagnosis is complicated even more if it is not known for certain where the child encounters an infected person.

A slight increase in body temperature, runny nose and cough are confused - having examined the baby, parents think that he has a banal cold. Gradually, the severity of the symptoms increases. To take timely measures, take note of the main features of children's chickenpox:

  • sudden development of fever;
  • pain of various localization: head, muscle, articular;
  • apathy, tearfulness;
  • sleep disorder;
  • anxiety;
  • lack of appetite;
  • the appearance of a rash throughout the body.

Vesiculas formed on the skin itch strongly. Particularly high discomfort cause bubbles on the mucous membranes to the patient. However, if you do not scratch the affected areas, blisters soon drag out a dense crust, which independently disappears within 10 to 14 days.

How chickenpox begins in children - the way of transferring the virus

Varicella Zoster can spread through the ventilation system. If you are lucky enough not to get chickenpox in childhood, you will become infected with it in an older age, if you meet a sick person. The winding of the smallpox does not apply to third parties, as well as through household items or clothing - only through the air and through droplets of liquid. The incubation period lasts from 1 to 3 weeks. When this stage ends, the body synthesizes antibodies and directs all its forces to destroy the virus.

How chickenpox begins in children - treatment of the disease

On average, a sick person has to coexist with chickenpox from 14 to 21 days. Symptomatic treatment normalizes its condition to some extent. To clean the affected areas from pathogenic microflora, each vesicula is treated with a solution of diamond green. Unfortunately, with the help of ordinary green, it is not overcome severe itching.

For this purpose, other drugs are used - zinc ointment or fucurzin. The drugs dry wet wounds and suppress exhausting itching. In the treatment of chickenpox, children are prescribed mainly antihistamine ointment of phenastil for external use and antiviral tablets of Ergoferon.

In order for the child to recover faster, he is regularly offered a plentiful drink. Morse and teas on herbs give a good effect. At the same time, you need to hold the baby on a diet: for a while it is worth abandoning sweets, all salty, fat and fried.

Comments leave a comment
Zina 06/11/2021 at 13:26

It is almost impossible to track this process. I say from my experience. Yes, and I do not see the point of bothering, because it is considered a truly childish disease and just children tolerate it easily. Therefore, everything is only at your discretion, as they say. It is possible only in complex therapy that Immuno vitamins are necessarily given to maintain water-salt balance. There, sodium in the composition for water-salt balance, also supports immunity (for this there is juice of natural fruits). Back a note.


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