How to quickly cure corn

How to quickly cure corn

This small and sometimes imperceptible bubble, can spoil a romantic walk, rest in nature and even a whole vacation! What to do to eliminate such a trouble as soon as possible? Let's talk about it in our article.

How to quickly cure wet corn

The emergence of painful wet bubbles contributes to wearing uncomfortable and narrow shoes, long stay at high heels, even a sudden hole that appeared can assist the appearance of a watery blister. Also, many gardeners and lovers of ballpoints are experiencing this ailment on the palms of hands and fingers. Today in pharmacies there are many medicinal patches promising rapid healing. And what does traditional medicine offer us in such cases? Consider the most efficient methods.

First assistants

  • Plantain - the first "ambulance", familiar with us since childhood. The plant removes pain and helps to accelerate the regeneration of skin cells, is an excellent alternative to a bactericidal plaster. Before applying a leaf, rinse and fix tightly to the wound with a bandage.
  • Aloe - Plant juice has a wound healing, antiseptic, natural agent. For treatment - leaf rinse and cut along, then attach to the patient. After 3-4 days from the blister, there will be no trace.
  • Potato - Potato starch will restore the damaged fabric and contributes to the early growth of the new one. For this, the tuber is well woozy and soda on a shallow grater. Apply to the corn with Cashitz, change 1 time per day. Three procedures will be enough.
  • Egg film - perfectly replaces the burst or thorough skin from corn. The egg is neatly broken and removed the film under the shell, attach the helper for the night to the patient site - by the morning the blister will significantly heat and drags.

Medical baths

To reduce pain and speed up the healing process, exercise domestic baths for 3-4 days. In addition, you quickly get rid of the hated corn, you strengthen the nail plate, soften the skin and remove the severity in the legs after working everyday life.

  • Salt solution - add 2 tablespoons of salt in 1 liter of water. To achieve anti-inflammatory and anti-grab effect, use sea or iodized salt. Take a medical procedure enough for 10-15 minutes.
  • Manganese - a mortar of manganese has an antiseptic property and perfectly inherent wet bliste. To do this, add a powder granules to the basin with warm water, the solution should turn out light pink.
  • Chamomile and calendula - a decoction of therapeutic herbs will disappoint, remove inflammation and dry the patient area. Slip 5 tbsp. Spoons of dry grass in 1 liter of boiling water, cover with a cap and let it brew 20-30 minutes. After that, pour into the prepared pelvis and dilute with ordinary water.

How to quickly cure dry corn

Dry corn brings a lot of discomfort, pain and constraint, because you agree, it is not very pleasant to walk with such a phenomenon, especially in summer. The appearance of a dry holloch can contribute a lot of factors - incorrect treatment of wet corns, flatfoot, wearing close shoes and even heredity! Remove the corn with the root can be per 1 session with a laser or liquid nitrogen. But it will cost this procedure, of course, it will not be cheap. A similar process of removal can be performed at home, though it will take a little longer. So let's get up!

Homemade cryotherapy

Remove the damaged layer of the skin from the inside of the fingers and the foot will help the coarse cleaning of the skin with subsequent softening and disinfection. Procedures need to be carried out 3 times a week until a complete disappearance of dry corn.

  • In a pelvis with warm water, soda a piece of economic soap and add 4 tablespoons of food soda. Carefully sweat the solution to the formation of lush foam.
  • Take a foot bath for 20-30 minutes.
  • Then we take PEMZU and rub it with her household soap. Intensely disturb problem areas.
  • In a separate bowl, mix in equal proportions, tea tree essential oil, castor and non-refined. The resulting "oil cream" softens, heals and regenerates the burned skin layer.
  • Sutitate problem areas by the resulting lotion, wrap the film, dress woolen socks and leave all night.

In the morning, remove the compress and carry into the skin any moisturizing leg cream. If you have an inner corn, without the formation of a hill, raise your feet in the same soap-soda bath, and then burn the corn in iodine. Procedures do each day.

To avoid re-appearing, wear comfortable soft shoes, take care of the skin and hands, and regularly make softening baths. Take care of your gentle skin, only its condition depends on you and a healthy future. Be healthy!

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