Icelandic moss (Iceland Moss) is found on every continent, in a hot climate and tundra. It grows on stumps, among the rare forests on the soil, but not everywhere, but in places where a clean environment. If the environment where it grows, people pollute, lichen dies. Let's understand, than it is useful.
Icelandic moss - looks like
Icelandic moss - lichen, it is found strands of fungi and algae. Growing small green bushes, creeping along the ground, forming a soft turf. Under the bottom of the lichen is lighter than the top. plants up to 15 cm length.
Icelandic moss grows in pine forests, where the trees are located seldom apart in dry areas of wetlands, in old stumps.
If the rains this year were not enough, the lichen can be for some time to dry, but the following year, when plenty of moisture, revives again.
Icelandic moss - medicinal properties
The chemical composition in the Icelandic moss besides carbohydrates, proteins, fats, iodine, nickel, copper, molybdenum, manganese and other minerals contained:
- bitterness
- Vitamins A, and group B
- Starch
- lichen acid
- mucus
In folk medicine, the Icelandic moss were treated in the 19th century and in the 20th century began to produce drugs from him.
Medicinal properties of Iceland Moss:
- anti-inflammatory
- Well heals wounds
- boosts immunity
- antiviral
- rejuvenating
- Prevention of malignant tumors
Icelandic moss - application
Icelandic Tsetrariyu apply:
- As an anti-inflammatory for burns, acne, boils, trophic ulcer
- To remove inflammation of internal organs (stomach, intestines) - protective action
- For colds, cough, pneumonia, tuberculosis - an expectorant and antiviral
- When exhaustion - general tonic
- In diseases of the mucous membrane in the mouth
- Impotence in men
- slimming
Icelandic moss - how to apply
From the Icelandic Moss in the people for treatment, teas prepare, infusions, decoctions, tincture.
- Decoction Zetraria Icelandic from cough for children: 2 tbsp. Dry moss pour 1 glass of water, boil 1 hour on a small fire, it turns out like kissel. I add 1-2 tsp. Honey, and drink 2-3 chuck for a whole day.
- Infusion Diseases of the stomach and intestines, colds are treated. For its preparation 4 tbsp. Dry moss pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 10 minutes, fix it (after cooling it will turn into a kissel - this is normal). We drink 1 tbsp. 2-3 times a day.
- Tincture Crops of the stomach, diarrhea and other intestinal diseases, colds, poor appetite, strengthen the immune system. 50 g of raw materials flood 1 glass of alcohol, infusions in a dark place for 1 week, pollend. For treatment you need to take 15 drops 1 time per day. Adult only.
In our pharmacies, except for the dry Icelandic moss in bundles, the following names of drugs with the content of moss are sold:
- "Herbion" - Spring from cough for children after 1 year of life.
- "Pectolvan" - Syrup, treats cough in adults and children after 12 years.
- "Hacut Moos" - Pastalki from cough and inflammatory throat diseases for children from 4 years of life and adults.
- Icelandic Moss Cream with a Heating Effect. Blaw breasts with cough, scored during the injuries of the place, joints and spine with pain.
Icelandic Moss - Contraindications
Adoption of medication from Zeetraria Icelandic needs to be limited:
- For diseases of flu with a temperature greater than 39ᵒc
- When aggravating bronchial asthma
- In the acute form of pancreas and liver diseases
- Gastritis and gastric ulcer - exacerbation
- With frequent constipation or diarrhea
- Autoimmune diseases (associated with the immune system)
- Moss intolerance
- Children up to 1 year
It is impossible to be treated with Icelandic moss for a long time without the recommendation of the doctor, or drink more than the recipe is spelled out.Since the soilic acid contained in it is toxic, and there may be problems with the stomach and liver.
So, we learned what diseases Icelandic Moss treats.