Horsetail - Medical Properties and Contraindications

Horsetail - Medical Properties and Contraindications

Horsetail field, or a neighbor - a popular healing grass. On the lands of Russia and the nearest countries, it is found everywhere, usually in the fields, meadows, in thickets of shrubs, sites near forests and rivers. Forms thick thickets. This is a subtle plant of a conifer-type with bodies at the top has extensive healing properties. It is widely used in pharmacology, medicine, folk healing. Also, the field of field is used not only as medicinal grass, but also eat - and fresh and treated.

Collection and harvesting of the horsetail of the field

Collection and preparation of healing grass begin lately in spring and are carried out throughout the summer. Typically collects in dry weather, otherwise the wet plant turns and deteriorate. Only light shoots are harvested, the sporing parts of the horsetail are not used. The plant is dried at medium temperatures in the dryer or in well-ventilated attics.

This looks like young shoots of the plant:

Horsetail during dried:

Application of horsetail in folk medicine

The field is used usually in a dried form, as a variety of medicinal fees or alone. But there is a very extensive range of use of this medicinal plant:

  • healing tea for strengthening, prevention of diseases;
  • decoction - from various diseases, used both in the form of a mission and for admission inside;
  • infusion - for internal use;
  • juice - for the treatment of varicose veins, purulent wounds;
  • extract - to strengthen hair and nails, against angina, cough and fungal diseases;
  • hydrolate - for use in cosmetics, as tonic or lotion;
  • essential oil - used in cosmetology and in dermatological diseases;
  • alcohol tincture - for wounds and cuts;
  • bath with horsetail - relief from psoriasis, eczema and joint pain;
  • ointment - against suppuration and wounds.
  • medicinal fees;
  • tools from acne and dermatological problems.

Healing properties of wild -smart

Thanks to  himself  chemical  warehousehorsta  field  rich  on the  carotenevitamin  C.minerals.sololi.butter  and  useful  acidsThese  componentspromote  deep  therapeutic  effect  on the  our  organism:

  • Horsta  great  diuretikactivates  corre.  adrenal glands, O blessed  anti-inflammatory  propertieseffectively  fights  withinfectious  pathogens
  • Psoriasis, baldness and dandruff will retreat, if you wash the hair with a decoction of field chewing.
  • Effective with diabetes mellitus, problems  exchange  substancestuberculosisdeviations  v  work  liver.
  • It has a hemostatic effect.
  • Improves the condition of connective tissue, mucous and vessels.
  • As a diuretic preparation is good for  slimmingbut  withextreme  caution.
  • The grass of the horsetail of the field is used as an effective agent against helminths.
  • It has an expectorant and antiseptic effect when coughing and throat diseases.
  • Silver from the ear of the horsetail heal wounds, regenerating action on the body's tissue.
  • Eliminates inflammation in the oral cavity, the edema and the inflammatory process of adenoids, periodontalosis, tonsillitis.
  • Fights with fungal diseases.
  • Helps with arthritis, arthritis, radiculitis.
  • The cost is effective in the treatment of pancreatitis, cholecystitis and ulcers.
  • It will help with cystitis and urethritis.
  • Eliminate nasal and uterine bleeding.
  • Inflammatory female processes.

Contraindications for use

But the horsettle also has serious contraindications to use. These include:

  • Abundant k locked  internal  character;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • nephritis and nephrosis;
  • application to three year old age;
  • allergies and intolerance of the component;
  • application longer than three months;
  • application with drugs containing lithium.

Horsetail - the plant is very useful, rich in various healing properties. But, like any other means, it is impossible to abuse drugs from this grass. Before use, be sure to consult your doctor to help you to get rid of problems, and not aggravate them.

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