Hematoma face like treated

Hematoma face like treated

The hematoma occurs during damage to the soft tissues and organs. Its main signs are swelling, changing the color of the skin and painful sensations. Unlike other parts of the body, the face is always visible to others, so many people want to speed up the healing of the bruise.

Cold compress

Medical workers argue that on the face of hematoma pass pretty quickly. Immediately after the appearance of the bruise, it is recommended to attach the injured cold place. Take a piece of ice, wrap it into a dry clean fabric and hold for 5-10 minutes on the hematoma. Then leave it for 2 hours and apply ice again. The cold leads to a narrowing of blood vessels, therefore a smaller amount of blood will fall under the skin.

Using Mazi.

There are funds that will help speed up the healing of the bruise. They are sold in almost all pharmacies. Such ointments are very common as "Troksevazin", "Rescuer", "Heparin Ointment", "Girudalgon". Before use, read the instructions carefully. If you have a vitamin K cream at hand, be sure to use it. It contributes to rapid blood resinking. An excellent means for treating bruises is "Badgy" (as a powder or ointment).


On the second day after damage, it is permissible to use thermal impact. This method will accelerate blood circulation, and the healing process will go faster. Ideal for a warm warmer. Alternatively, you can use Ointment "Finalgon" and "Nicoflex". They have a warming effect. It is also permissible to use a hot-water bottle or a hot salt, wrapped in fabric.

Clay treatment with clay

In the treatment of hematoma, very good results showed clay (regardless of color). For a person, it is preferable to use purified clay from a pharmacy. Take the flap of cotton fabric and put clay on it. Top put a piece of cellophane. Compress ready. Apply it 1-2 times a day for 2 hours.

Grandfather from herbal

Herbal infusions contribute to more rapid hematoma resorption. It has proven her herbs such as calendula, a coltsfoot, St. John's wort. You can use the following recipe. Take 2 dessert spoons of the richness and mother-and-stepmother. Grind them and fill 250 ml of boiling water. Then hold the broth in the water bath for 5 minutes. After 30 minutes, straighten it and make the stamps every 3 hours.

Laundry soap

Suitoriate the soap on the grater, then mix it with egg yolk. There should be a cashier of homogeneous consistency. Lubricate it sick place every 30 minutes. This method will help to fix pain and bruises as quickly as possible. You can also simply breed soap in water, dip a piece of fabric into the solution and attach it to the bump. But the first method is considered more effective.


So that the bruise came down as quickly as possible, lubricate the patient with creamy oil every 30 minutes.

Nose Banana

This tool will allow to get rid of bruises in the most compressed deadlines. Attach the peel to the inside to the injured place for 30 minutes. Conduct this procedure in the morning and in the evening. After a few days, the bruises will be less noticeable or disappeared at all.

Medical intervention

In most cases, people can get rid of hematoma on their own at home. However, it should be remembered under what circumstances it is important to contact the surgeon:

  • large hematoma size;
  • severe painful sensations;
  • an increase in edema;
  • the condition does not improve within 1-2 weeks.

Do not use all the above tools at the same time - select multiple options. As a result of their use of hematoma, it will be significantly reduced. To disguise small residues of the bruise, it is permissible to use the tone base or powder with a yellowish tinge (no earlier than three days after its appearance).

Comments leave a comment
Ulyana 12/07/2016 at 22:51

With the leather banana an interesting recipe, I did not even hear about such. Usually bruise Maja gel plate. This is my proven and effective agent. Removes swelling and pain.

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