What is heroism?

What is heroism?

What is heroism? On hearing this question, did not immediately find the answer. After all, in today's world, the concept is quite a feat, "extensible". Try to understand what actions can be transferred to the exploits.

What is heroism?

A feat considered valiant heroic act, which was carried out free of charge, on the basis of internal motivation, the benefit of a specific person or group of people. These motives are so strong that stifle feelings of fear, pain, danger.
By feats include self-sacrifice towards the weaker. As the most valuable is a human life, that all actions aimed at saving her, in spite of the severity of the consequences for themselves, a feat.

feats of antiquity

In ancient times, a feat made some heroes like Spartacus, Heracles, Odysseus, Perseus, and others. These characters endowed with divine power, and the heroes are not based on the actions and deeds, and by right of birth (their mother or father was reckoned to the Gods). Therefore exploits were not quite real:

  • destruction of monsters (Hydra, Cretan man-bull);
  • cleansing of the stables of the king Augeas;
  • overcoming the Cyclops;
  • extraction of the Golden Fleece.

Feat of the people - what does it mean?

Feat of the people called human actions aimed at achieving a common goal. A striking example of heroism of the people, should be called the Great Patriotic War, when:

  • soldiers voluntarily went to the front line, knowing that back they will not return;
  • children went to explore, and risked his life to collect data about the enemies;
  • people are risking their lives, hid in their homes guerrillas and wounded;
  • they gave the soldiers the latter bread, leaving their families hungry.

The general idea of \u200b\u200bthe victory over the Nazis brought together different nationalities and pushes people to sacrifice for the sake of peace in their own land.

What is a modern feat?

Heroes of our time - who are they? Today, the feat can make each. For the title, the hero does not need parents of gods or hostilities. Emergencies Ministry workers make feats daily, saving ordinary people from fires and other emergencies. Simple people passing by a sinking man who have fallen into an accident, the burning house stopped, and committing an act of self-sacrifice, without thinking about the consequences, trying to help unfamiliar people. Modern heroes can be called:

  • mothers, who having their five children, take other people's children and even children with disabilities, surrounding their disinterested love;
  • the driver who trying to avoid a collision with a school bus sacrificed her life, turned back to the bidder;
  • a man who took from a previously unlocked hatch of a child who spent there a day;
  • a cancer patient who does not surrender and forces others to fight this ailion, thereby saving their lives;
  • a teenager who ended up from the neighboring baby's burning house.

Such examples of thousands and they are committed not for remuneration, but because of the internal gusts appearing under certain circumstances.

Heroes are not born, heroes are becoming. Feats are performed "automatically", especially if the life of a weaker person is threatened: a child, a disabled person or a pensioner.

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