What is polis?

What is polis?

Policy is called a nominal document of the established sample, which is issued during insurance, as confirming the insurance contract. The policies are different, issued after the payment of the insurance premium and confirm the availability of a legal contract of insurance in various insured events.

What should be in the insurance policy?

Polis, this document (blank), which must contain such information:

  • the name, depending on the insured event, (policies have different names);
  • the legal address and the name of the company that issues the policy;
  • FIO of the face of the face completely, his address;
  • payment details of the insurer;
  • the list of insurance risks from which a person is insured;
  • the amount of the amount of payments upon the occurrence of the insured event;
  • the amount of insurance premiums, the timing of contributions;
  • the term of the policy;
  • signatures of both sides.

Additionally, information may be attended by other agreements and nuances of insurance conditions between the parties.

What is a car policy?

Today, the liability insurance of the owner of the vehicle is mandatory. According to the insurance contract, the company where the contract is signed, covers property, the interests associated with the autocarted responsibility of the vehicle owner to compensation for damage when the insured event occurs.

What is a medical insurance policy?

The issued policy of compulsory insurance is the social protection of a citizen in health care issues. In other words, if a person has an insurance policy and makes timely payments under the insurance contract, he has the right to receive without paying medical assistance for which the insurance company will pay.

What is the general insurance policy?

The concept of the general insurance policy exists in the insurance of goods, where the purpose of protecting the interests of the owner of the cargo from certain losses that can occur during transportation are prosecuted. The difference between the usual policy from the general is that the usual policy is issued for one batch, but the general policy insures the same cargoes of different batches for a certain time of transportation. It can only be issued for property and is for a certain period.

What is an electronic policy?

Modern technologies allow customers to receive an electronic insurance policy. This document is analogous to a regular paper document, only it is provided in electronic form. You can get such a policy online, which saves time. You can pay insurance premiums from your card using online payment banking products. The legal force of the electronic policy is identical to the printed document with the original signatures.

Summing up in the question of what policy is, we note that the policy is a tool of an insurance system that protects the insured from the surrounding risks. After all, no one is insured against instability in life, health and unforeseen circumstances.

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