What is humanism?

What is humanism?

"Humanism" - ethical concept that puts the highest value man, His life, happiness and freedom of will, in contrast to theistic and ideological concepts, where a person must serve some "great goal." There is a classification of humanistic views.

Humanitarian sciences

Humanitarian disciplines - Sciences that study the person of man and its livelihoods in society. For humanitarian sciences play a special role textand the main method is reconstruction of the meaning. The researcher is aimed at understanding of a phenomenon, events, artwork. Humanitarian studies human spiritual activity, applying a scientific approach to works of art. Humanitarian sciences are history, literary criticism, psychology, philosophy, linguistics, art history, social science, cultural studies, pedagogy, religious studies, rhetoric, philology.

Ancient humanism

Ancient humanism (or antique humanism) - The system of philosophical views of the ancient thinkers.

  • Aristotle Considered a person as a social being, which possesses a moral understanding of the good and evil, truth and lies, the human life is impossible without society.
  • Democritis The main purpose of man's life believed the state of serenity, calm and consent, free from strong impulses. He believed the cause of evil and disasters a lack of knowledge and wisdom. The philosopher rejected the existence of "supernatural", believing that religion arose due to the desire of people to explain the causes of extraordinary phenomena.
  • Epicur Preached the principle of moderation and enjoyment "small joys of life." The philosopher expressed the idea of \u200b\u200bjustice as a public contract in order to unsuitable harm to each other. The fate of a person depends exclusively from himself, and not from any " supernatural"Forces.
  • PROTAGOR. He was the author of the famous saying "Man is a measure of all things." The philosopher was a sensualist, he believed that the world was such as it exists in human sensations, recognizing the subjectivity and relativity of knowledge.
  • Socrates Made a coup in philosophy - from the consideration of the world and the nature of things to the human person. The thought of philosopher turns to himself by studying his own principles and techniques. Socrates believed that good had knowledge, and evil is the lack of knowledge, and the knowing will not come bad.

Classic humanism

Classic Humanism (Renaissance Humanism) - philosophical course arising in the era Revival (XIV - XVI century). It was the initial degree of formation of modern humanism, the current, truly seized the minds and hearts of people and committed a change in the consciousness of all society. Many ideas of the Humanists of the Renaissance learned from the ancient authors. The determination of humanism in the Renaissance era was somewhat different from modern, humanism called the comprehension of the "integrity of the human spirit" as opposed to dogmatical teachings about the "Divine".

Humanists studied man and fruit of his intellectual creativity. The focus of Humanitarians was "literature" - philology and rhetoric. The focus of humanistic ethics was the idea highest Purpose of a person who, having intelligence, eternal soul, virtues and huge creative abilities, the very nature is defined in the center of the world. Famous humanists of the Renaissance were Petrarch Bokacho, Leonardo da Vinci, Rafael, Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Rabl, Cervantes And other creators and thinkers.

Theistic humanism

Teistic humanism ( liberal religious humanism) - One of the currents of the current philosophy of humanism. Near the sources of the flow (1910s) There were several American priests unitarian Confreation. His supporters refute the presence of a "supernatural", while promoting the compliance with the "higher moral ideals". In fact, they offer to replace faith with universal morality. Religious humanism largely contributed to the democratization of church institutions. The main goal of the democratic religion religious humanists call assistance to human good here and now.

Atheistic humanism

Based on the ideas of the Jean-Field of Sartre. The main concept of atheistic humanism is the concept freedom of the Will personality. A person always has freedom of choice, he himself creates itself and is entirely responsible for itself personally and its own actions. The world itself is meaningless, an act of understanding and solutions informs the environment and meaning.

Scientific humanism

In the middle of the XIX century, the form of humanistic teaching, based on the principles and methods science. Humanists believe people must use scientific methods for studying The life of a person and his behavior, in order to direct the future of mankind to welfare.

Humanism is a philosophical and ethical position, which emphasizes human value. Humanists believe that humanity should look for truth through rational knowledge, decisions on the right and wrong should be based on individual and general good, excluding metaphysical or supernatural beings. The ultimate goal is the prosperity of a person, improving life for all people, care for the well-being of other living beings and the planet as a whole. The focus is paid to do good and live well here and now, while making the world is better for those who come after.

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