What is bulimia

What is bulimia

Photo and video models in social networks, magazines and on television have long been ideals of appearance, which seeks if not everyone, then a big half of people for sure. And in this struggle for the ideal, people may not notice how they became a defeated side taken by many diseases, among whom Bulimia.

What is bulimia?

Bulimia is one of the disorders of food behavior associated with the use of food and immediately deliverance from it. It may seem that the whole problem is in overeating and you just need less. But Bulimia is primarily a mental disorder that is expressed in such a way. In the head of the suffering - a lot of opposite thoughts and desires, a person ceases to control its food behavior, and such eating and calling vomiting after it is the struggle of these opposites.

Symptoms of the disease

It is difficult to single out the unambiguous symptoms of bulimia, as they can be confused with other diseases: stomach disorder, fatigue and banal overeating. And in the wasteful circles, the bulimia is considered to be a manifestation of weakness (especially compared to the same anorexia, when a person is consciously refuses food), so they try not to speak and hide in every way. It's time to beat the alarm, if you notice in your circle of people with the following behavior and signs:

  • frequent use of food, usually portions of food are large, and these are harmful and satisfying products;
  • after eating, a person is removed from the table under various pretexts;
  • tired and sluggish, swollen face;
  • in the launched cases - brittle nails, fall out hair and teeth;
  • if a person calls vomiting - traces of teeth on the phalanges of the fingers or on the back of the palm.

As already mentioned, Bulimia affects the mental state of a person, which is displayed on its behavior. Often suffering bulimia are interested in all that is associated with food, weight loss, figure and appearance. However, as for them to themselves, they share information unwittingly or behave with common phrases of the type "less to eat, more move."

Sometimes a person avoids general meetings with friends or acquaintances due to the fact that it is difficult to control your food behavior in public. Another reason for the reason for the failure to go into people is a bad appearance and well-being after an attack.

One girl suffering from Bulimia, shared such a thought in the social network: "How good that I can eat from the soul, go out into the restroom for five minutes, come back with an empty stomach and take up the food again. And friends are only surprised, why I eat so much and still remain thin. " By the way, the keyword in the last sentence is "still". Part of the calories eaten is still absorbed and the person is gradually gaining weight, especially considering the fact that with each such "sunset" the stomach is slowly stretched, and the amount of food grows.

Often bulimia is associated only with overeating and causing vomiting. As for overeating - yes, but there are various ways to get rid of food. Among them are distinguished:

  • actually calling vomiting;
  • reception of laxative and diuretic drugs;
  • burning eaten calorie physical exercises.

And in some cases, a person can simply chew food and spit it away, with the thought "if it did not get into the stomach - it is not considered that El."

How to treat and whether Bulimia is treated?

There is an opinion that it is impossible to fully cure from bulimia. Sooner or later, a person will return to old thoughts and behavior, and the physical condition is no longer improved. However, not a reason to despair: Bulimia is treatable, and return to normal life - quite real.

But do not even try to treat bulimia in domestic affairs, it's just less to eat. The essence of treatment is to find the cause of the disease and eradicate it. This can only be done by a specialized doctor, and the advice of relatives and friends can only harm and exacerbate the problem even more. Therefore, people from a close circle of a pretty better, too, consult with a doctor to know how to contact and what words to choose for the suffering bulimia.

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