What to cook for breakfast quickly

What to cook for breakfast quickly

Every day should begin with a satisfying breakfast. You do not have enough time to prepare food in the morning, and you feed household sandwiches with tea? Such a breakfast use will not bring the body and the person will not be satisfied. We offer the recipes of a full-fed breakfast, from which your relatives will receive a charge of cheerfulness and a good mood.

What to quickly cook for breakfast - lush omelet with sour cream

Prepare products:

  • 20 g sour cream in 15-20%;
  • 3-4 eggs;
  • 15 g of butter cream;
  • a bit of dill and salt.

Wash the eggs under the crane so that the microbes do not get into the omelet when breaking the product. Preheat frying pan on medium heat and put oil. While it warms up - prepare the egg mixture. In a deep bowl, lean the eggs, satisfy and put the sour cream. Be a mixer or wedge. I saw small bubbles in a mixture - stop the beating. Pour the egg mixture to a preheated frying pan. Blank with a lid and make a small fire. After 10 minutes, a quick breakfast is ready. Optionally, you can turn over the omelet on the other side of the shovel. After a couple of minutes it turns out a crust. Finished omelet Sprinkle with chopped dill and serve on the table.

What to quickly cook for breakfast - cottage cheese dishes

Fast, but satisfying and useful breakfast. Variants of cottage cheese dishes:

  • cottage cheeter with jam or honey. 450 g of cottage cheese placed in a bowl and put 3 tbsp. Spoons of honey or any jam. Stir up to the homogeneity of the mass. 5-7 minutes will leave for cooking;
  • cottage cheese with sour cream and prunes. 400 g of cottage cheese wipe through the sieve and connect with 50 g of sugar. Add 100 g of finely chopped prunes, mix and lay out on plates. In another vessel, connect 50 g powders of sugar and 300 g of thick sour cream. Optionally, put vanillin and take a good weight. Covers the resulting weight of cottage cheese on plates. You can sprinkle a dish with crushed nuts or finely chopped marmalade.

You can add any fresh fruits or dried fruits to cottage cheese and create your quick breakfast recipes.

What to quickly cook for breakfast - oatmeal "School Morning"

Cook in the evening:

  • one by one - banana and apple;
  • 6 tbsp. spoons of small grinding oatmeal;
  • 4 things. walnuts;
  • 4 h Spoons of sugar;
  • ripe big pear.

In the morning, pour oatmeal with two glasses of boiling water. Put sugar and mix in porridge. Optionally, you can add some cream oil. Dishes with porridge send to the stove or to the microwave for 5 minutes. While she is cooked - grind nuts and fruits. Add to the finished dish and treat your relatives and delicious breakfast. Useful for children.

What to quickly cook for breakfast - scrambled eggs and tomatoes

Excellent breakfast option in front of a hard work day. Gives a feeling of satiety to lunch.

  • 70 g of ham or boiled sausage;
  • two or three chicken eggs;
  • two fresh small tomatoes;
  • salt to taste and some vegetable oil.

Washed tomatoes cut by large slices. Ham or sausage cut straw. On a preheated frying pan pouring oil. On a preheated frying pan placing tomatoes with ham. Fry a couple of minutes, neatly stamps. Washing eggs break into the pan to products, slightly satisfy. Fry from three to five minutes. The protein should become white, and yolk - at your discretion. If you like liquid - quickly clean the scrambled eggs from the stove. If you want it to do well - prepare longer. Experiment with a recipe - add the pepper Bulgarian, bow or something else.

Forget about one cup of coffee in the morning and do not eat on the move sandwich. The stomach should work well before dinner, and the first meal is very important for the body. Prepare for yourself your beloved or for the whole family is lightweight, fast and satisfying breakfast.

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