What shows a smear for cytology

What shows a smear for cytology

When it is necessary to establish the cause of the disease, it is rational to take a smear for cytology. This process implies the analysis of individual cells of the human body. Such a procedure is screeching for detecting undesirable changes. Cytology can be carried out for preventive purposes to exclude the likelihood of the disease. But it is prescribed in more serious situations when it is necessary to identify the degree of development of the disease.

What is capable of showing a smear on cytology?

The main task of the cytology is to determine whether the biblical material is consistent with the norm, whether there are deviations and undesirable pathologies. To cope with this task, a specialist needs a working material taken from the patient. It is important to take samples from several sections of tissues, so it is possible to analyze a larger spectrum of cells.

There are such methods of leaving material for cytology:

  1. From biological fluids - sputum, urine, discharge from the mammary gland and others.
  2. A smear, taken from the vagina or from the urogenital tract.
  3. Scraping from the surface of the organs.
  4. Using punctures and fluid fence.

For diseases of the gynecological nature in women and the reproductive system in men, it is more rational to take a smear in order to determine the most accurate picture of the disease.

An alarming symptom will be the presence of leukocytes in the taken material, microorganisms that hint at the course of infection and modified cells, which may indicate malignant neoplasms.

If such a screeching of the body is carried out in time, then you can begin surgical treatment at the first stages of the disease and exclude its further progress.

When the patient hears that he is prescribed cytology, he immediately associates this with negative phenomena in his body, but this is far from the case. Modern medicine practices taking a smear for cytology in a large spectrum of patients. These are mainly those representatives who are at risk:

  1. People who are older than 25-30 years old.
  2. Patients with relatives with cancer.
  3. The presence of a medical history with such symptoms in the past.

Timely prevention will be able to save the life and health of the patient.

How is cytology carried out on the basis of a smear?

Initially, it is necessary to correctly take the material for analysis. To do this, the patient must exclude sexual intercourse for the last 48 hours, refuse alcohol and taking antibacterial agents. It is advisable for men not to urinate 3-4 hours before taking the material.

A woman cannot be used on the eve of vaginal candles, ointments and others.

The smear is taken from several sites so that the probability of identifying the disease was higher. To do this, the doctor introduces a special brush into the vagina or urogenital canal. As a result of its contact with the surface of the organs, it remains on the bristles of the epithelium, which will serve as the subject for assessing the state of health.

After that, the sample is applied to the laboratory glass and placed under the microscope. Additionally, alcohol or formalin is used to fix the material on the glass.

Already in the laboratory, the specialist analyzes the resulting picture on several signs and makes the gradation of the results, dividing them into 5 classes: 1- Lack of pathologies, and 5- a high risk of malignant neoplasms.

The verdict can be found after 1 to 3 days, but in emergency cases, on the recommendation of a doctor, the answers can be known in a few hours.

What to do after getting results?

When the patient receives a form with the results of the analysis, it should indicate:

  1. Whether cells indicating infectious diseases were identified.
  2. The presence or absence of atypical cells, which indicate cancer changes.
  3. The degree of distribution of such “bad” cells as they progress quickly.

In the event that negative changes were found, then you need to consult a doctor who will indicate the following course of action. In this case, a wider diagnosis will be prescribed to identify a specific organ that suffers from atypical cells.

In advanced situations, it is most likely to be prescribed histology - analysis of the organ tissue for harmful microorganisms and changes. For this, a biopsy is carried out when they take a piece of the necessary fabric.

Cytology is very popular due to the ability to quickly get the results of the analysis, high accuracy and a simple biomaterial fence. This is an opportunity to determine the gaps in time in a state and timely begin to eliminate them.

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