What can be used in poisoning?

What can be used in poisoning?

Misstakko accounts for someone who experiences food poisoning. This state exactly do not envy. Let's talk today about what you can eat during food poisoning, and what to eat is categorically impossible.

State of food poisoning

The poisoning is not in vain is called food, because there is due to the absorption of some kind of food, and it suffers from this, first of all, the gastrointestinal tract, that is, digestion. In order to cope with intoxication, two factors are needed - operational treatment and diet.

Often food poisoning is accompanied by vomiting, as well as liquid fecal release (diarrhea). It turns out that the intestinal walls are annoyed and the above symptoms appear. Even worse when food poisoning is not accompanied by neither the first nor the second factor, it can even lead to death, because the body does not withdraw toxins, and they take place from the inside and to the end.

To restore all the digestive functions of the body, you need a diet, the main rules of which are:

  • Drinking a lot (water is the main drink, no carbonated drinks and such liquids do not consume, definitely). Thus, it is necessary to replenish the water reserves of the body, otherwise there is no normal digestion. Also useful in this case will be solutions of salt type, for example, reciprons (the most common drug) or tour. It is worth noting that all accepted fluids must be not cold, but at least, correspond to the temperature in the room.
  • Meals in the first 24 hours after poisoning - not recommended. For this period you need to forget what the food is, even if you have become better and there is a feeling of hunger.

Diet after poisoning

Diet for the second day after edible poisoning:

  • Meals must be taken three times a day - this time, the period of liquid broth is 180 ml.
  • From bread at that time it is worth refuse, maximum, it is a pair of crackers.
  • The liquid is not excluded from the diet, and, absorb it in large numbers, at least 1.6 liters.
  • It is also allowed to eat a little puree (completely liquid), but not more than 125

The third day from the moment of poisoning may include the absorption of the following products:

  • Rice porridge (not included in its composition of milk), but not more than 270 g, because the body will still hardly digest a large amount of this product.
  • It is also allowed to eat a pair of crackers and several cookies (exclusively gallery, because all other types of flour can still be perceived by the poisoned organism).
  • Vegetable broth on this day is also welcome, but the portion should be no more than 280 g.

On the fourth day after intoxicating the body, you can already include:

  • Casserole from vegetables (eliminate from the composition of an egg) and it will be better if the main ingredient in this dish will be the groats of manna. The portion should be small, gram 150.
  • Sugari are welcome - small 5 pieces.
  • Dose the dose of dietary cookies can also be slightly increased - up to 6 pieces.
  • Fish can be eaten, but preferably in the form of a boiled cutlet for a couple (80-120 g)

Fifth day - a strict diet is still observed, so it's not worth relaxing. So, the diet of the fifth day is as follows:

  • You can brow from chicken, and the portion can already be full, 350 ml. There may even be meatballs, so that the dish consumed will already be like full-fledged food.
  • Boil some rice, no more than 200 grams.
  • Sugari - already classic genre, so to speak.
  • It is also allowed to include curd casseled into its diet, if such not to taste you, then replace it on a lung souffle.

All five of it after poisoning you must eat as it should be, in this case, as indicated in the recommendation manual for meals after poisoning. But after these five days, the body cannot be loaded heavy food. The diet gradually must be replenished with new ingredients in order not to get the condition from which you tried to get rid of all these days.

What can you eat after poisoning?

5 days later, a fairly strict diet, you can gradually add new products to the diet, but not everything is immediately in limited quantity:

  • For a while it is necessary to exclude from dietary products of dairy origin.
  • Sour dishes are also not recommended to be used in the first a couple of weeks after poisoning.
  • The diet of sharp dishes is categorically prohibited to use - do not irritate the walls of your intestines again.
  • It is recommended to eat vegetables (but only roast them is not worth cooking - that's the only way to prepare them for the next month).

  • If you decide to eat a liquid, then broth, and, lean, so your dish for lunch.
  • Kashi is also useful for the body after food poisoning, but they must be prepared on the water, no milk and butter.
  • Nor should soon pamper yourself and baking fresh bread, because these products clog the digestive tract.
  • Wafer biscuits have too much is not necessary, but not a lot - is allowed.

Remember, portions should be quite small, do not overly burden the stomach, gradually add to your diet, new dishes and foods, gradually increasing their number. It is better to have 5-6 times a day, but a little bit than "rape" your body with huge portions.

For the early restoration of the gastrointestinal tract is also recommended to drink herbal tea.

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