What to treat an angina in an adult?

What to treat an angina in an adult?

Very often with the onset of cold weather comes and angina. Despite the fact that the sore throat is more common in children, the disease occurs in adults. Suffer from angina, on average 7-8 days. How quickly cure this disease, and what tools to use, to avoid complications, we try to understand this article.

What is angina?

Angina - a disease that is infectious in nature and affects the throat, tonsils. Share three types of sore throat - sore throat is viral, bacterial and fungal. This stems from the development of a viral sore throat is a virus, bacteria - bacteria and fungus - the fungus. The three micro-organism - the pathogen considered the main factor that influences the development of angina in humans. More common bacterial tonsillitis.

  • In order to trigger the development of angina, the agent has to get into the human body from the external environment. In most cases this occurs by airborne droplets. Pathogen enters the body and starts reproduction, but its reproduction is possible only if there are additional reasons.
  • Additional causes of the disease are considered to be factors that create favorable conditions for the growth and life of bacteria, viruses or fungi.
  • Reducing the human immune system, hypothermia, stress, bad habits, presence of tonsillar injuries - all of this is additional cause of angina. That is, if a person has a strong immune system, even in contact with the pathogen in the body, sore throat will not develop.

symptoms of tonsillitis

When angina characteristic symptoms are as follows:

  • It is rapidly and significantly increased body temperature
  • Increased lymph nodes and felt pain when palpation
  • There is a sharp pain in the throat when swallowing
  • Increasing the tonsils and redness may occur in some
  • A headache, fever and chills

Also, each species is characterized by their symptoms. For example, with a viral angina, the temperature does not rise, with the fungal angina in pacular almonds, a white flare appears, and purulent education appear on the almonds.

Treating angina

If you notice the symptoms of an angina, then you must consult a doctor. If you do not treat or incorrectly treat an angina, then there may be complications in the form of heart defect, kidney and liver diseases. How to treat an angina to an adult and what medications use, it is better to solve the doctor. After inspection and on the basis of the analysis results, depending on the type of sore throat and the stage of the disease, the doctor will appoint you the right treatment. If there is no complications, then the anchina can be treated at home, but it is worth it to be responsible and fulfill all the prescriptions, namely:

  • Observe bedding
  • Isolate the patient so that there is no contact with the surrounding
  • Balanced to eat and drink more warm liquid
  • Carry out all the necessary healing procedures
  • Take medicine
  • Medicines for the treatment of angina

For each type of angina, different drugs are applied. With bacterial threshing, antibiotics are usually prescribed. Ceftriaxone, ampicillin and cyproxyt are considered the most common. Preparations that are not an antibiotic can be assigned, but are effectively struggling with bacteria, such as Biseptol. Viral aneg is treated with antiviral drugs, and fungal angina - antifungal drugs. Also to combat angina, drugs are used that remove heat, painkulate and are antiviral, it can be tablets, ampoules, powders, sprays. What kind of drugs to take, the doctor will solve and will write the desired dosage.

Folk remedies for the treatment of angina

Anguina can be treated by folk remedies that showed their effectiveness. The throat and processing of almonds is considered very effective ..

Rinse throat with honey

Dissolve 1 tsp. Honey in 200 ml of warm boiled water, add 1 tsp. 6% apple vinegar and cozy the throat every three hours.

Rinse throat beetrack

Wash and clean the beet and cook until it is ready. In the broth, where your beet was boiled, add 2 ml of propolis tincture or lemon juice and honey. Wechite throat every 2 hours.

Rinse throat with soda solution

A solution of soda is very well helped with an angina. Boiled water cool down to a temperature of 25-30 degrees, add 1 tsp of water to a glass of water. soda. We have a throat in 2-3 hours.

Rinse the throat of the booze of plantain

Take the leaves of the plantain, 4-5 leaves will be enough. Grind them and pour the glass of water, which you first need to boil and cool a little. Leave the decoction to be blown. Strain and get the throat through every hour.

Rinse throat with iodine

In a glass of hot boiled water, add 1 tsp. Salts and 3-4 drops of iodine. We have a throat every 2 hours, the course of treatment is 3 days.

Observe the mode, relate to the treatment of angina. We hope our article will help you choose a solid for rinsing, which, in combination with medicines, will help you quickly cure an angina. Be healthy!

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