Caesar Salad with Shrimps - Classic Recipe

Caesar Salad with Shrimps - Classic Recipe

In this material, we suggest you consider Caesar's recipe, but not a classic, but add a refined raisin. Here will be offered an original salad recipe with the addition of shrimp.

Salad "Caesar" with shrimps: ingredients

"Caesar" is a simple and fast recipe, each gourmet of refined kitchen will appreciate. This dish is suitable for both holiday tables and a portion salad. Salad prepare in various variations, for example, with a juicy chicken, with ham or tuna.

Earlier in the salad did not add ingredients of animal origin, but over time, it began to experiment with a type of such a popular salad. Among the experimental options, the salad with shrimps is in the first place.

Of course, the more confused was always "Caesar" with chicken fillet, but shrimps give the sophistication to any dish, the taste of which is impossible to replace. The satisfying and salad salad can easily cook at home, for this you will need the next set of ingredients:

  • Salad List (Iceberg, Romain, or Mix) - Minimum Head Head
  • Bread for curtains (also, you can use baguettes or chiabbat) - 200 g
  • Parmesan - 50 g
  • Garlic - 2 teeth
  • Tomatoes - 1 pc (medium size)
  • Egg - 2 pcs (you can use 4-5 quail eggs)
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.
  • Mustard - 1 tbsp.
  • Olive oil - to taste
  • Salt, pepper - to taste

Salad "Caesar" with shrimps: start cooking

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Swim eggs, yolks to separate.
  2. Clear bread from the skin, cut into identical cubes, approximately 1 * 1 cm.
  3. Heat olive oil with garlic, slightly fry.
  4. Mix the oil with sliced \u200b\u200bbread, then send the steers to the oven for 10 minutes, periodically view so as not to abate, because Inside the curtains should remain soft.
  5. Wash shrimps, clean and fry on olive oil. The main thing is not to reap them in a pan, otherwise they will turn out too solid.
  6. We are preparing a sauce: add lemon juice to the blender, yolks, mustard, spices and olive oil, mix until homogeneous mass.
  7. Tomato cut into small squares. Salad cut into pieces, you can break. Grate the cheese on a shallow grater.
  8. Mix a part of the curtains with lettuce and sauce, mix and lay out on a plate.
  9. Top to lay roasting shrimps, tomatoes, and grated cheese.

You can boil shrimp in salted water with a laurel sheet, instead of frying. And before adding to the salad you need to remove the intestine.

For a more interesting taste, when refueling curtains with olive oil, you can add some Italian herbs. Even to improve taste, you should remember the secrets applied to lettuce leaves. Before using them, you need to soak salad in cold salted water, not less than an hour.

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