Tomatoes with carrot tops for the winter - recipes

Tomatoes with carrot tops for the winter - recipes

The taste of pickled tomatoes depends on the quantity in the pouring of salt, sugar and vinegar. But their fragrance provide all sorts of fragrant spices. We basically use recipes where currant leaves, garlic, bay leaf, peas pepper and some other spices are used. If you like experiments in the kitchen and are ready to try new recipes, then today will be described specifically for you. We suggest you take note of marinada with carrot van. Tomatoes with it are very spicy and unusual taste and like them absolutely to everyone.

Simple tomato recipe with one carrot bar

For this workpiece, stock up three-liter banks that are pre-sterilized.

  • Select ripe medium-sized tomatoes. Wash them, dry and catch the toothpick in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tail.
  • Fresh carrot tops rinse in running water several times so that it does not remain sand or land. Greens are drying on the towel. If you want, you can crush the top, if you want, leave it the whole.
  • At the bottom of each can, put the tops of the layer at about 0.5-1 cm. Next, post up to the middle of the cans of tomatoes. On them again put the tops, and then again tomatoes. When placing the fruits, the banks shake a little so that the tomatoes are more tight.
  • Banks with tomatoes and tops fill to the top of boiling water. After 10 minutes, the water drain into the pan and again put it on a preheated plate.
  • While the water re-boils, pumped 2 tablespoons of salt into each jar, 7 tablespoons of sugar and pour 1 tablespoon of vinegar fortress 9%.
  • Pour the tomatoes with again boiling water and banks quickly roll off the lids that hold in a bucket with boiling water.
  • Turn the banks to the bottom up, cover them with a blanket and let it cool. Transfer the blanks into a cool dark place.

Recipe for tomatoes with carrot tops and other familiar spices

This recipe is suitable for those hostesses who love spicy blanks, but prefer the marinade in banks to be completely transparent, i.e. Without visible spices.

  • Fill the liter banks with prepared tomatoes. Fill them with boiling water and hold 5-7 minutes.
  • Drain the liquid from all cans into one large saucepan and add spices: carrot tops, garlic slices, bay leaf, pepper pepper, salt and sugar. The number of spices on the water from one liter bank is: chopped finely topped with carrots - 2 tbsp, garlic - 1 slices, bay leaf - 1 pc., Pepper - 3-4 peas, salt - 3/4 tbsp. , Sugar - 1.5 tbsp. If you fuck water from for example, three cans, then add in a triple size to the saucepan.
  • Boil marinade for 5 minutes, and then strain it through the siter. Re-put it on fire for boiling.
  • While the transparent marinade boils, pour into each liter jar on a teaspoon of vinegar (9%).
  • Fill tomatoes with boiling fragrant marinade and quickly encourage banks.
  • Wrap the cans with something warm, and after cooling, move it to the storage in the place allotted for this.

Recipe for tomatoes with carrot tops, celery greens and onions

Even more fragrant and spicy tomatoes are obtained, if you use the celery greens and the usual onion together with the greenery from the carrot. Since the bow can provoke strong fermentation, then such workpieces you will have to be additionally sterilized in boiling water.

  • At the bottom of each liter can, put a little crushed on the fourth onion. Although add carrot tops and celery on the twig. If you wish, you still use or pepper peas (2-3 pieces), or Coriander seeds (7-10 pieces).
  • Fill in banks by medium-sized tomatoes. On top of tomatoes, put on the twig of carrot greenery.
  • Cook marinade. At 3 liters of water, add 250 g of sugar sand, 75 g of a cooking large salt and 200 ml of nine percent vinegar.
  • Boiling marinade pour banks with tomatoes to top and cover them with pre-sterilized lids.
  • Banks set into a high pan and very carefully pour almost boiling water into it. Water Leite is very hot. If you take cold, then the banks burst. Pour hot water to the level of the cans of cans.
  • Press with jars in hot water. Put on the fire and wait for the liquid boil. As soon as the water around the cans boils, reduce the fire to a minimum and cover the pan with a lid.
  • Sterilize liter cans with tomatoes 10 minutes. Then remove them out of the water with the help of special tongs or towels and quickly roll up the dressing machine.
  • Cool banks in air and take storage in a dark place.

The recipe for sweet tomatoes with carrot tops you will see in this video.

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