Why fuses burn out

Why fuses burn out

Automotive fuses are designed to protect the electromotor from a short circuit or overload, which can lead to the ignition of the wiring and the entire car. The fuse is able to withstand only a certain strength of the current if this value exceeds the valve of the fuse, it will be over. The number of fuses depends on the number and power of the electrostators. If the fuse has worked, it must be replaced with a new one with the same face value.

To verify the fuse malfunction, it is not necessary to use special devices. It is necessary to inspect all the chains that protect the fuse. After that, you need to start disconnecting consumers - screwdriver jumper fuse jacks. If the malfunction is in the chain, the spark will arise. You should repair or replace the disabled consumer.

The main cause of fuses is a malfunction of wiring. The wiring can be worn, is spoiled by rodents or nodes are connected incorrectly. In the automotive wiring there is a short circuit, as a result of which fuses burn out.

Overloading of the onboard power grid is a common cause of the fuses. Overload may occur due to electrical engineering faults or installation of additional equipment.

Fuses are installed in the block. Bad contact between the shoe and the fuse is another reason for its brave. To solve this problem, you need to replace the old block or use good quality branded fuses.

Fuses can be abrupt if the service life has developed, in which case they are subject to replacement.

If there is no spare fuse at hand, and the old requires replacement, the motorists often put various items (coin, a piece of nail) instead of it). Such objects like a coin can carry out current and be damaged with full combustion of the chain. You can make a temporary fuse from wire or wires, 4 cm long. From the old fuse, you need to remove the tips, attach the wire or wire. Tips put in place, enhance the passats.

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