Piracetam, instructions for use

Piracetam, instructions for use

Piracetam is a comprehensive chemical substance that improves the functions of the CNS due to the synthesis of dopamine and increasing the level of norepinephrine. However, it is necessary to use it with attention and caution, as described below.

The effect and influence of piracetam

The medicine is nootropic, improves mental activity and emotional state, intellectual function (in particular, memory, attention, etc.) at the biochemical level:

  • increases the conductivity of synapses;
  • sets the balance between ATP and ADP;
  • activates phospholipase A;
  • stimulates metabolic processes in the nervous tissue;
  • improves the turnover of neurotransmitters;
  • increases cell resistance to toxins and oxygen starvation;
  • enhances the synthesis processes on a row with an increased absorption of glucose;
  • prevents the occurrence of thrombus, maintaining the possibility of red blood cells to pass through the smallest vessels;
  • establishes blood flow in the stylish areas of nervous tissue;
  • reduces Delta-, increases alpha and beta-activity on EEG;
  • effectively affects recovery in the complex treatment of heart attack.

Scope of Piracmetama

Given the increased efficiency and a large spectrum of useful, the medicine is prescribed for the treatment of mass of diseases, including:

  • psychoorganic diseases;
  • atherosclerosis, hypertension, Parkinson;
  • alzheimer's disease, various dementia, accompanied by memory loss, attention violations and speech, orientation in space, headaches;
  • stroke, cranial injuries, recovery after intoxication, as well as virus neuroinfections;
  • sleep-wake cycle disorder;
  • depressive, hypochondriac, apathetic states;
  • nervous disorders related to alcoholism and drug addiction;
  • PRES or the consequences of prenatal damage to the central nervous system in children, accompanied by poor learning, delay in development;
  • sickle-cell anemia.

Features of the action of medication, caution and contraindications

The substance falls into the blood after 30 minutes, is disposed of by the kidneys after 30 hours. It can accumulate in various brain departments.

Among the contraindications to the reception of piracetam:

  • serious kidney diseases,
  • genton's disease,
  • some types of depression,
  • individual sensitivity to the components
  • periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The drug does not apply on children up to 1 year. With some restrictions are used in hyperthyroidism, after extensive operations, for patients with epilepsy.

Among the adverse reactions can be observed: drowsiness, depression, increased excitability and irritability, headache and tremor, Libido strengthening. For the gastrointestinal tract - nausea, vomiting, digestive disorder, a slight increase in body weight.

Sharing with other substances enhances the effect of psychostimulants, anticoagulants, thyroid hormones, can provoke anxiety, confusion, severity of mental disorders.

Reception and dosage piracetam

The use of drugs should be approved by the attending physician, an overdose, as well as the impact on the work performed associated with a high concentration of attention (vehicle driving, mechanisms management and related). The initial dosage can be from 1.2 to 2.4 g. a day, objecty to 9-12 g., With acute violation of cerebral circulation, by the abstineent alcohol syndrome, the state of the coma. The course of treatment lasts from 2 weeks to 6 months, with a gradual cancellation of the drug.

It is extremely recommended to produce independent treatment, without the participation of the attending physician, especially with the joint admission of other drugs. For children, patients with renal failure, sickle-shaped cell anemia, epilepsy is needed strict adjustment of the dose of medication.

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