Lightening black hair

Lightening black hair

Black hair color is very elegant, it is associated with conservatism, peace of mind and wealth. But almost all owners of dark strands want to change their own image. It should be noted that black hair is the most impractical shades and color changes, because before making painting to another color, it is necessary to carry out their lightening. The result of this procedure may not always be as we expect to see it. Let's figure out how to make the clarification of black curls.

Order procedure of clarification

To achieve the maximum effect on the clarification of the black chapels, you need to pay attention to the following algorithm:

  1. The clarification process is desirable to split into several stages. Namely, instead of a strong clarifying agent, we take more gentle and the procedure is carried out in three or four receptions with a weekly interval. Thus, we do not injure the structure of the hair and get a more pleasant shade.
  2. To get the desired color, it is worth choosing the paint on the tone. Compare the palette and define your tone. We take paint on 3 shade lighter.
  3. In addition to the coloring substance, we will need to purchase an oxidizing agent of 9%. Mix it in half with paint. There are rare series, where the proportions differ, but for this it is better to initially explore the instructions.
  4. We apply the composition on dry hair, distribute over the entire length. Hold the time allotted by the instructions (usually about 40 minutes), wash off with water and shampoo.
  5. We repeat the next operation no earlier than in a week.

Lightening by timing

Melting is a method of clarification, in which the hair is brightened in part, that is, strand through strand. To make it necessary, it is necessary to understand the technology:

  1. We mix the paint and the clarifier 12%.
  2. Cut with foil with long strips, we determine the length of the chapels.
  3. Each strand filter on black hair and those that will become light.
  4. We apply foil to the chapelur, on top of the desired strand and rinse it.
  5. Proscuration is done around the perimeter, but without touching the scalp.
  6. Gently wrap foil from the bottom up and bend the edges so that the liquid does not hit the adjacent strands.
  7. Keep a mixture for about 30 minutes, you can zoom to an hour.
  8. Thoroughly wash off warm water with shampoo and apply protective cream.
  9. After a couple of weeks, we do a similar procedure with the remaining black curls. Gradually, the whole structure of the hair will become bright and monophonic.

How to eliminate black after staining

There are cases when painting the head into the black color, we realize, looking into the mirror that it does not fit us. How to fix the situation and return the former color or just make hair lighter? There is a special means-corrector for decoupage. It perfectly cleans the curls, flushing the paint into which our hair is painted. The substance is applied on dry hair and washed off as a regular mask, about half an hour. When washed with a substance from the hair line, those pigments that did the hair were derived. If the effect does not please, then still resort to the clarification method using paint and oxidizing agent.

Features of clarification

So that the declaration procedure passes without a time delay and without unnecessary difficulties, you need to remember several important points:

  • We prepare the mixture always in a bit more than required, it will help reduce the time and do not engage in cooking a new mixture when it is short enough.
  • The container in which the paint is dragging should not be made of metal, since it is able to change the composition of the mass for the worse, attaching some harmful elements to it. It is recommended to use glass or plastic.
  • Tassel should be with natural hairs for the same reasons.
  • No need to wash hair before lightening. If we wash off the whole fat, then they will damage the oxidation stronger.
  • Before the leather procedure on the border with hair cover, we lubricate the nutrient fat cream to protect against paint.
  • I do not wash with shampoo having too foamy consistency and small percentage of alkali.

Lightening by folk methods

If our task is to brighten your hair quite a bit, it will be very useful to take advantage of folk remedies. They will not be able to damage the integrity of the hair cover, and on the contrary, they will prescribe them the necessary microelements.

Chamomile infusion

We brew three bags of ordinary chamomile tea liter of boiling water and insist on a couple of hours. Every time we rinse the head with infusion after the usual washing head shampoo. The decoction can not be flushed off. Procedure perform at least three times a week. After about a month there will be a noticeable lightening.

Hydrogen peroxide

We select peroxide according to the thickness and strength of the hair. If the strands are thin, it is necessary to process them with peroxide 5-6%, and with strong and thick hair the available fortress of the substance reaches up to 12%. We wash the hair, and the longer you keep the means - the effect will be stronger. However, you should not disturb not to burn strands.

Honey and Lemon.

We mix the juice of two lemons with a pair of honey spoons and apply to the lap. We wash the mixture only after 20 minutes. This composition is not recommended for a long time, so as not to overcover the curls.

Now we know how and what the black strands will be brought. It turns out that the technology and correct applied tips are very important in this matter. And to betray the curls of the beloved light shade for us will not be difficult.

Comments leave a comment
Helena 04/29/2016 at 1:12

hair dilked ... The color turned out terrible ....

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Helena 04/29/2016 at 1:13.

and this is not a mesmer with a smooth transition, but some kind of pipets))))))))))

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Victoria 06/13/2018 at 23:50

The girl, of course, is well done, but, putting your hand on the heart, the staining came asleep. The transition from black to the red color in each strand at different length occurs that it is not salon, and home painting. At that moment when she says, he is very pleased with the color and turns his head, clearly seen that the red color is not very detaineed on the brightened strands. Some remained reddish, lighter than the rest. Perhaps this is the result of the fact that she just died his hair with his hand, did not comb, did not share on strands, here the paint was not at all strands uniformly could not distribute. And yes, it is impossible to evaluate the beauty of the color due to unsuccessful lighting and not very good chamber

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