Slimming sauna suit: True or myth

Slimming sauna suit: True or myth

Suitable sauna - another modern miracle, whose advertising can be seen everywhere. If you believe the manufacturers of such super-clothing, their products are simply a panacea with respect to weight loss. She is capable of saving you from extra kilograms in a short time and return the beauty of the body. Let's look at if it really is and what is the action of the costume-sauna.

Principle of Sunshift Suit Suit

The principle of the operation of a sauna costume follows from its name - it creates conditions for abundant sweating. To do this, it is made of a fabric that has properties to block heat removal (vinyl), and differs from different manufacturers only in quality. Thus, during sports in such a suit, the heat released by the body can not exit the outside, which is why enhanced sweating occurs. That is, dehydration of the body. The principle of sweating in the costume-sauna can be compared with the more budget it with analogue - wrapping the food film. Only in the case of a suit for it, it is not necessary to apply some special means (anti-cellulite creams, serums, essential oils), and it is enough to limit the quality linen from cotton.

Benefits of a slimming sauna costume

The main advantage of the sauna costume is its effectiveness - it is really able to give a quick result. So, indeed, after one intensive workout, you can see the minus 2-3 kg. Such a visible result also provides psychological stimulation to continue working on their body. In addition, there are quite affordable at the cost model of suits (from 300 rubles). And one more advantage is simplicity: dressed - it was practiced - got the result.

Disadvantages of a sauna suit for weight loss

Despite such express results using a sauna costume, it must be remembered that weight loss occurs due to dehydration, and not by reducing the fat layer. Of this floats the most important drawback of this method of weight loss - the temporality of the effect. In addition, there are more banal minuses during operation: it's not quite comfortable to train in it, and the costume needs to be washed after each workout, as a result of which not very high-quality copies quickly "will be broken down". It is necessary to take into account the fact that such overheating can lead not only to weight loss, but also to thermal impact, allergic reactions, the development of skin and fungal diseases, and in women - also gynecological problems.

Opinion of specialists

Many fitness coaches and nutritionists consider a sauna costume with an effective means to normalize weight only if the excess weight is caused by the fluid in the body. Therefore, it is often used athletes-professionals before competitions (the so-called "drying"), when you need to enter your weight category in a short time. You can also apply a sauna costume and in the case when it urgently needs to get into the dress before an important event. However, it should be remembered that the body will still return the original weight with the replenishment of the fluid deficit. But the most important advantage of the use of sauna costume in the opinion of professionals is still a psychological moment - motivation from the result obtained from those who are just starting to play sports.

Thus, if you summarize the above, the sauna costume is an effective way to remove excess fluid from the body and reduce the weight, but as an emergency and disposable. It is not even desirable to use it.

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