When is it better to do a pregnancy test?

When is it better to do a pregnancy test?

First of all, when a woman begins to suspect what could be in a position, she hurries to make a pregnancy test. However, its result is not always reliable, although the packaging says that the accuracy of test readings reaches 99.9%. What is the matter? Naturally, you need to follow all instructions prescribed on the package. And yet - it is important to choose the appropriate time to carry out the test so that it show the accurate result.

Mechanism of work test for pregnancy

Many women are ready to do the test almost every day from the moment of probable conception and very nervous when the result received does not justify their expectations. Therefore, before talking about when it is better to do, you need to figure it out, which scheme is working a pregnancy test and from which positive or negative results depend on.

The test is designed to react to an increase in the urine of a woman of a special hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin or simply HCG. Its level rises at the very beginning of pregnancy. After Chorion has strengthened in the uterus, the HCG concentration begins to increase. According to the analyzes of venous blood, pregnancy can be determined on 3 days after conception. But in order for the desired hormone concentration to be achieved in the urine, namely it is used to carry out pregnancy test at home, will be required of the week of 10 days.

The test is covered with a special composition, which in contact with the urine with the necessary level of hCG gives the reaction and the cherished 2 strips appear. If the number of hCG is not enough or absent, then the test will give a negative result. Usually express tests determine the pregnancy about 2 weeks after conception. However, modern tests can have a higher sensitivity, and give a reliable result for 4-5 days earlier than the standard one.

When to make a test to obtain a reliable result with a regular cycle?

Provided that the periods of women pass with enviable constancy, the cycle was established and constitutes the ideal 28 days, it occurs from it approximately on the 14th day of the cycle. According to medical data, the egg cell can be fertilized during the entire life cycle, which is the 3rd day.

After that, fertilized cells are still in the so-called free swimming, they are looking for a place to consolidate in the uterus. As soon as they gained themselves on the wall of the uterus, the active emission of hCG into the body of the future mother begins.

If you compare all the deadlines necessary to achieve the necessary concentration of hong hong in the urine of a woman, the tests of high sensitivity will determine its pregnancy on the 10th day after ovulation, that is, 24 days cycle. But it is better to wait a couple of days and make a test no earlier than 12 days from the moment of ovulation.

Standard tests in order to show a reliable result required more time. The usual test will determine the pregnancy for 15-16 days from the moment of ovulation

When is it better to do a test with an irregular cycle?

If a woman suffers from an unsteady menstrual cycle, then it is difficult for her to calculate exactly the date of ovulation. In this case, you will have to focus on your own sensations and intuition, ovulation tests and measurement of basal temperature, which in the absence of pregnancy and during ovulation rises and exceeds the threshold of 37 degrees.

Pregnancy test in this case should be carried out no earlier than the 15th day after the expected date of ovulation.

What time of day it is better to choose for testing?

In fact, in the presence of pregnancy and a mining two-week period from the moment of ovulation and the intended conception, the test will determine pregnancy, regardless of when it was made.

However, doctors recommend to do a test for the definition of pregnancy at home all the same in the morning. It was in the morning that the concentration of hCG in the urine is maximum and the result will be more reliable. Here you can bring such an example: if you do a test in the morning, the second strip will be brighter, if you have a test during the day or evening - the second strip confirming the pregnancy may be less bright or in general, hardly distinguishable, which can sow unnecessary doubts.

In general, this conclusion can be made: to get a reliable and reliable result, pre-confirming pregnancy, the test must be made 14-15 days after ovulation and the estimated date of conception and certainly in the morning.

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