How to close the wall in contact

How to close the wall in contact

The site of the social network VKontakte often updates its functions and opportunities. So, users have lost the full privacy of their page - now they can not be close from foreign eyes absolutely all information about themselves. Of course, some privacy settings still remained, and today you will learn to use them to maximize the data hide on your wall. You will also learn a small trick for closing photos on the wall. To start, proceed to the instructions below

Go to your VK page and find the thumbnail of the Page avatar to the right above. Click on the left mouse button.

There will immediately appear a pop-up list. Lay in it "Settings" and press.

In the main tab with the name "General" you can set one option "Show only my records" by putting a tick next to the phrase. This setting will hide all other strangers on your wall.
Go to the "Privacy" tab.

List the page down until you see the "Records on the page" section.

You need to set up all four points. In the pop-up menu you have access to three basic options to hide the wall. On the example of the first graph "Who sees other people's entries on my page" Look, which means each option:

  • Line "Only Friends" will allow you to view other people's entries only to your friends and you.
  • "Only I" closes the appearance of third-party records from all, except for the page owner.
  • In the "Some Friends" item you can choose a few of your loved ones who will be displayed for other people's entries. For the rest, they become hidden.

The remaining sections are not suitable for hiding the wall.
Configure thus and the second column "who can leave the recordings on my page."

Pay attention to the two lower graphs. Lower determines who can write comments under your post on the wall. And the upper one who can see them.
For maximum privacy, select "Only I". This end all the privacy settings of the wall. VKontakte service does not allow you to configure even greater anonymity account, however, you can use a little cunning, which will disable photos published on the wall.

To perform this "trick" you have to upload all the photos first into the album, and only then on the wall.
Create a special photo album VKontakte with narrow privacy settings. Go to the "Photos" section in the menu on the left.

From the right above, you will see the flexible button "Create an album", click on it.

Pay attention to two lines from below the window that appears. Put in them the values \u200b\u200b"Only I" or "Only Friends", depending on your wishes.

Specify any name album and click "Create an album".

Add all the photos that you want to publish on your wall and make not available for viewing outsiders. Make it easily by clicking on the "Add Photos" button.

On your wall, after entering the text of the post, click on the photo icon, as you do usually.

Instead of downloading a new file, select a photo from a specially created album.

Publish post, go back to privacy settings and scroll through the page at the bottom. Here you will see a small blue link "see how you see your other users." By clicking on it, you will be available when viewing your page from a third party. Make sure the privacy suits you.

At the moment, this is the maximum privacy of your VKontakte page. Hide fully information from a user you can, adding it to the blacklist.

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