When you needed to remove VKontakte's friend, but you don’t know how to do this - do not give up, with the help of this article you will be able to easily remove unwanted people from the list of your friends in just a couple of clicks. Follow the instructions below.
Go to the “Friends” section to the left of the main window.
You will see the whole list of your friends. Put it until you see a person who needs to be removed.
Having found the right user, select three points to the right of his avatar. They will be blue. In the pop -up menu, click “Remove from friends”.
Now this person will not be on the list of your friends and he will not be able to watch some of your sections in which a certain level of privacy is established. You can also remove a person from a friendly list by going to his page and finding three points under his avatar.
Click on them and select “Remove from friends” in the list. This method will also remove the user from your friendly groups.