How to grow mushrooms at home

How to grow mushrooms at home

If you like mushrooms, but do not take out the exhaustive and sometimes very dangerous campaigns in the forest, you can try to grow mushrooms yourself at home. You can do it in the cellar, and even on the balcony. It is only necessary to create favorable conditions for mushrooms and attach a little effort. And soon you will collect your first fungal harvest.

Preparatory work on the cultivation of mushrooms at home

Before the beginning of growing mushrooms, you should evaluate your capabilities, namely: find the right room and create the required climatic conditions in it. For active growth of mushrooms, humidity is required at least 90% and temperature 15-20 ° C. If such conditions are complied with the selection of landing material (mycelium).

To get a mushroom harvest, you must first purchase mycelium - a large number of disputes that have been saturated with a certain substrate. It may be rye or wooden sticks. The last option is more profitable because eliminating the presence of fungi, viruses and other pathogenic microflora.

You can grow mushrooms in two ways. The first option is an extensive - implies crop growing in natural conditions, for example, in the country area. He was accustomed to the summer houses, which successfully use stumps, bars with straw and wood cutting. But this method does not allow to collect mushrooms all year round.

The second method is intense - more costly, since it is necessary to buy special equipment, but the harvest is quenched 4 times a year.

In specialized stores you can buy mycelium more than 25 types of mushrooms. The composition of the substrate for their cultivation is also different, and is prepared for each type of mushrooms separately.

Growing white mushrooms at home

  • Planting a white mushroom mushroom need to be carried out in a special substrate. To prepare it, you need to take five parts of the soil with peat (any mixture is suitable for indoor plants), part of coniferous sawdust, part of the leaves.
  • In the finished substrate, the wells are made with a diameter of 8-10 cm at a distance of not less than 30 cm. Then the mycelium burned to a depth of 20 cm.
  • Moisturize the soil you need twice a day, not allowing it to dry. Under all rules, the first harvest will appear next year. The viability of the mushroom comes up to 5 years.

Growing champignons at home

This kind of fungi is the most unpretentious and high-yield. But for good growth of large mushrooms, it is necessary to spend some time to prepare the substrate.

  • To do this, take part of the cow and part of the horse manure, as well as part of the straw (better if it is grain crops). Then you need to add two types of fertilizers, for example, ammonium saltper and potassium superphosphate.
  • After connecting all components, the substrate is necessary to disinfect for three days. To do this, connect 500 ml of water and 5 g of negated lime, and then make this mixture into the substrate. Three days mix the soil, and then put mycelium into it.
  • The substrate must be sprayed with a pulverizer as it dries. About a month later, the substrate should be coated with a glued with small holes for air passability.
  • When the nutrient soil is completely covered with mycelium, it should be covered with its protective layer. It is necessary to mix the seaside soil with chalk in a 1: 9 ratio, and then fall asleep the substrate by 2 cm.
  • After 7 days, you need to remove the protective film, and in a month the first shoots will appear.

At first glance, independent cultivation of mushrooms seems an impossible task. But after the first harvests, "homemade" mushrooms begin to grow mushrooms not only for their own use, but also for sale.

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