How to collect daily urine for analysis?

How to collect daily urine for analysis?

A good doctor only one time analyzing urine can put the correct diagnosis, but if the disease is not very complex and is associated with the genitourinary system. Types of urine tests Today there are a large amount, and one of them is a dairy.

What is this analysis - daily urine

The analysis is:

  • Collection of absolute urine for a day.
  • Storage of collected fluid in a cool place.
  • Separation from the total urine of some part of it.
  • Delivery of urine to the laboratory.

Since you will have to assemble the whole day, i.e. 24 hours, then plan her on the day off, preceding the day of the worker. This afternoon can be Sunday, when you are at home and you can collect urine all day. Analysis then in the laboratory you will bring on Monday. If you are on vacation, you can choose any day to collect urine before you need to come to the laboratory branch of the clinic.

What items are needed to collect daily urine

To collect daily urine, you will need:

  • Any large vessel with a lid that can be refrigerated. It is desirable that he be with divisions so that you can accurately determine the amount of the collected fluid. If there is nothing like this in the house, then use the usual three-liter jar. It is thoroughly wash the soda and rinse the boiling water.
  • A wide circle in which it is convenient to collect urine at every campaign to the toilet. It also thoroughly treat it to be clean.
  • Clean towel or napkin for intimate hygiene.
  • Special container for urine (it can be bought in any pharmacy) or a small glass jar with a lid with a volume of at least 200 ml. A jar approximate over the ferry or in the microwave.
  • The direction from the doctor to surrender urine to the laboratory. Some graphs in this document will have to fill on your own.

How to prepare for the collection of daily urine?

If your doctor gave you individual recommendations, then prepare for the collection in this way:

  • On the day of collecting urine do not drink antibiotics and any diuretic.
  • Try not to deal with too hard physical labor on this day. If you go to the gym on weekends, then skip your workout.
  • During the day, exclude all sharp and salty dishes from the diet.
  • Liquids during daily collection drink as much as on ordinary days.
  • Do not limit yourself in the first dishes if you are used to eat them daily.

How to collect daily urine for analysis?

  • Immediately after waking, go to the toilet, but take this first portion of urine in the toilet. Remember the time in which you first emptied.
  • In all the next hours, when you want to urinate, collect urine into the mug and pour it into a large container.
  • Collect the last portion of the urine in the morning of the day when you will carry it into the laboratory. Collect it at a while when you poured the first portion of urine to the toilet.
  • Before each visits to the bathroom for a day, wash the genitals with clean warm water without soap and scrape them with a dry clean towel or soft toilet paper.

How many urine to attract the laboratory?

  • On the day of passing urine to the laboratory, remove the jar from the refrigerator and mix its contents with shaking movements.
  • If you have a bank with divisions, then rewrite the reading on the leaf.
  • If the container does not have divisions, then the amount of urine you will have to determine the eye. With the problem with the eye meter, fill a similar jar with clean water. Water dial as much as in your bank from the refrigerator is the collected urine. Next, using a cup with divisions, measure the amount of water in the second container - this will be the number of urine collected by you.
  • Fill out the direction form on the analysis. It will necessarily be present in it: the daily volume of urine will be present.
  • From a large container, take only 200 ml of urine - place it in the container or other prepared vessel.
  • Take the analysis to the laboratory, without forgetting to attach the direction to it.

Carefully examine the direction and if there are additional graphs in it, then fill them in. Most likely you will have to write information about the analysis date of analysis. On some blanks, it depends on the medical institution and the appointment of this analysis, it is required to fill in a graph about your weight and growth.

In addition to the daily analysis of urine, the doctor is very often prescribed the so-called common. You will learn about him from this video.

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