How to remove the nozzles

How to remove the nozzles

The nozzle is an electromagnetic device of the engine power system, which is responsible for dosing the fuel supply in the intake manifold. Considering the impact of high temperature and low fuel quality, during operation within the nozzle may occur, having a similar lacquer structure. As a result, it poorly opens, which negatively affects the start of the engine and its power. To ensure the capacity of the nozzle, which means the optimal operation of the entire system of start-up and control the engine, you need to get rid of contamination. Definitely before taking on this important task, the nozzle must be removed.

If you feel the strength and enthusiasm with your own hands to make dismantling of fuel injectors, it makes sense to listen to the advice. Lovers to do all the manipulations with their own car affirm that it is necessary to cook: sets of screwdrivers, keys, power passage with a lever and a retainer, carbocliner and cloth.

If you want to do the removal operation of this device in effect and correctly, you should follow the procedure for its execution. So, proceed. First of all, the fuel ramp is removed along with all the nozzles, then with simultaneous clamping of the spring bracket, the shoe block is disconnected. A screwdriver takes, with which the retainer shifts along the ramp. Then the nozzles are removed from the ramp, which at the same time scrolls slightly. Next, using a flat screwdriver, you need to get rid of sealing rings located on the electromagnetic device and sprayer housing. It is advisable to replace them with new ones.

Special difficulties with the extraction of nozzles may have car owners equipped with diesel engines. This is caused by the specificity of the body structure and the engine directly: when moisture inlet, the nozzles are accumulated to the head of the cylindrical block. It is best to dismantle such nozzles using special equipment not to lose a large amount of time on milling, welding and replacement of consumables. All this can be safe to spend, and not achieve the desired effect. It happens that it is necessary to sacrifice all the nozzles, remove the head of the cylinder block and drill faulty parts.

Please note that the operation of fuel injectors occurs with high pressure. An unexpected fuel jet from nozzle nozzle can cause unsafe consequences and cause severe skin damage. Therefore, producing some actions with a device under pressure, be alert, taking care that the jet of fuel does not splash into your direction. If there is an opportunity, instruct professionals to check the pressure in the fuel system. If you take on this case yourself - observe precautions.

Note that fuel injectors have a sufficiently long service life. It is possible that there is no need for their dismantling at all. How to determine this case? To establish the feasibility of replacing the nozzles, first pay attention to the mileage. If it reached a mark above 100 thousand kilometers, the meaning in checking is probably there. Contact good specialists to perform testing, disassembling and calibration injectors in your car.

We assume that exactly faulty fuel nozzles cause smoke and knocking sounds? The reason can be installed without disassembly. To do this, it will be necessary to lower the clamps and will not forgive the air duct, located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe air cleaner and the intake manifold. When the plastic cover is removed from the top of the engine, secure the air duct on the previous position and clamp the clamps. Now the time to proceed with the engine to remove the engine at high idling speed. And then carefully loosen the tightening of the fittings in turn, do it carefully, preferably adjacent zone to put up rags. As a rule, when the fitting of a faulty nozzle turns out, knock and smoke disappear.

Now we know all about the technology of removing and cleaning the nozzles. These simple rules will help independently perform repairs, which on any hundred will cost quite expensive. The technology does not depend on the type and volume of the engines and is suitable for any models of the car.

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