If you decide to grow oyster mushrooms at home, you will have to acquire mycelium, without which the planned process will become simply impossible. Today in the modern market you can find suitable options for the goods in question, but, unfortunately, there are not so many quality, so it is better and easier to make mycelium with your own hands, and it will be much cheaper in cost.
The nuances of the creation of mycelium
I would like to start with an explanation of the concept of mycelium. If we speak in a simple language, this is in some way a mycelium, where mushrooms will grow and develop (a flora comfortable for them). In appearance, mycelium looks like a moldy earth in a web. Someone thinks that for the cultivation of the flora considered, some special conditions are needed that can only be in special laboratories, but this is not so. For those who are not in the know, in natural conditions, the mycelium usually takes up a lot of space, despite the fact that mushrooms in this mycelium occupy a hundredth part of the mushroom mushroom area itself.
So, first you need to prepare equipment that is useful to create mycelium:
- small glass containers
- cool and dark room
- mushroom body (in this case, oyster mushrooms)
- a small tweezer is quite suitable for cosmetic
If you want to create really high -quality mycelium, it is necessary to ensure sterility both the premises in which the process in question will occur and all the equipment used for this.
The place where mycelium will be created should be:
- proportioned
- temperature indicators do not exceed + 20-21 0
- the humidity is constant (there should simply be no sharp differences)
- the absence of any drafts
- no direct sunlight should fall on mycelium
Sterism can also be provided with steam or boiling water (processing this of all devices and equipment). We also do not forget that an important factor in this whole process is the choice of planting material:
- It is better not to use the material that you found in the forest or landing, because in this situation, you cannot be one hundred percent confident as the future “crop”.
- The ideal option is to choose a variety that is common in your region, and is also suitable for its climatic conditions.
Mushroom -making instructions
When all important nuances are considered, you need to go directly to the case.
First stage:
- First, it will be necessary to grow mycelium, which is called uterine. Here you need the body of the oyster mushroom (fruit), which will be a source of planting material.
- First, we cut it into two equal parts and neatly remove it with a tweezer a very small piece (the best option is an area near the hat).
- The resulting piece is subject to peroxide processing, without this there is a high probability of infection of this material with various parasites.
- Now this planting material must be placed in one of the test tubes, in which grain was previously poured (best of all crushed). Then close tightly with a lid or tightly twisted with paper. It must also be understood that the substrate in this case can also be agar.
- Now we leave the test tube with the material in the room, which was necessary, as it should, prepare in advance. If you are done correctly, then after 2.5 weeks a white plaque will appear in the test tube (similar to a fluff), which is the uterine mycelium.
The second stage is as follows:
- The creation of an intermediate tomb is the next step. To do this, you will need grains of various cereals, which must be prepared in advance (boil for 10 minutes, dry and mixed with gypsum and calcium calcium).
- Pour the grains into a two -liter jar (you need to fall asleep most of the containers) and “plant” our material there.
- We will have to wait for the result 3 weeks, and it will need to be stored 3.5 months. The resulting mycelium is called intermediate, and it is it that is used to grow mushrooms.
The third stage:
- Sowing mycelium is created in the same way as in the previous stage intermediate. So, we put a bigger bank in a bank previously grown and wait until it grows up quickly.
- After the completion of this process, mycelium can already be planted in the substrate, where mushrooms will grow in the future. It must be said here that outwardly such a mycelium looks like a dense web and has a mushroom smell.
So gradually you can grow mycelium for oyster mushrooms, but the process of growing mushrooms does not end there:
- It is necessary to store the resulting product at low temperature, and if in the case of large industries this can be done with nitrogen, then at home the freezer will become your assistant, the temperature in which will be - 20 0. It is in such conditions that you can store myceliums until the mushrooms are planted.
- Despite the fact that after defrosting mycelium is suitable for the goals considered, repeated freezing can lead to a decrease in its quality, which means that the harvest is good to get from such material.
- You can not freeze mycelium, but immediately engage in planting mushrooms - our substrate poured into a large package (there will be enough kilograms), then the mycelium is laid directly, and we repeat the laying of such layers several times until the package is completely filled.
We send this package to a dark cool place and after a few weeks in the bag you will find a homogeneous block, which will need to be left before the adults appear in it of which later, and adults of oyster mushrooms will appear.