How to make a bonsai

How to make a bonsai

One of the most mysterious objects of landscape design - Bonsai originated in ancient China, from where he migrated to other eastern countries, and then around the world. These miniature trees are not only a beautiful decoration for your home or garden, but also a whole philosophical course. With the help of them, a person must learn patience, love for any business and harmony.

What is needed for the manufacture of bonsai

Of course, at first, a novice crop will need the necessary set of tools for creating a bonsai. Get ready for the fact that you will have to periodically change the tools, grind them and adapt to the needs of the plant. Never use stupid priests and scissors, so you harm the tree.

  • Buy concave nippers, their shape is ideal for the formation of sections on the trunk;
  • You will need small sharp coators that form a perfectly even cut;
  • It is better to immediately purchase a file of 15-20 centimeters long. Since the barrel will be quite soft and weak, at first you will need a file with a small and soft coating, then buy a larger and larger one;
  • At the first stages of the formation of the shoot, you always need to have good soil and fertilizers.

Contrary to popular opinion, the formation of Bonsai does not immediately occur. First, you cultivate the barrel to the thickness you need, periodically cutting the length of the plant and its roots. Only when the thickness of the barrel reaches the desired indicator, you can start forming its shape.

Where to start growing bonsai

The most important factor is a tree. You need to choose a variety that is well suited for bonsai and you will like it.

Here are some possible trees:

  • If you want coniferous bonsai, then various varieties of juniper are better suited. This tree is unpretentious and always green. Also, you can pay attention to the black pine and Korean fir, the folded thuja is also suitable;
  • For those who like more deciduous bonsai, it is better to take linden or ficus;
  • Bonsai is rarely made from fruit species of trees, since for their nutrition you need much more strength. However, there are bonsai from the apple tree;
  • One of the most beautiful bonsai those who bloom. If you want to see flowers on your bonsai, then choose magnolia or rose.

When you have exactly chosen a tree for yourself, it's time to purchase it. Some sophisticated gardeners prefer to cultivate a tree from seeds, however, it is better to buy a small sprout that already has roots.

The ideal size of a tree when buying is at least 18-20 centimeters. So you can look at the condition of the roots and choose the best.

Bonsai care in the first two years

When you only strengthen the branches and roots of Bonsai, there can be no talk of any forming form, because the plant is still too weak.

  • You need to take a container and transplant a tree into it, as soon as it becomes possible. Bonsai is planted much later on a flat surface.
  • Cut the roots of the plant with sharp scissors, do not touch the length yet. Fun the soil well and bury it deeper. First, you should place the tree in a dark and warm place.
  • As soon as spring comes, and Bonsai will become a little higher - you can shorten it. Again, cut the roots and remove the top with a sharp secateur. So you have to do every spring, until the barrel becomes thicker and stronger.

The formation of bonsai

It is generally accepted that the barrel becomes quite durable only after two years of growing, however, the indicators can vary greatly.

When you decided that you can already begin to form a form, do the following:

  • Cut all the extra branches from your bonsai, leave only a few kidneys in those places where you want to have branches in the future;
  • As soon as the tree forms the branches, it's time to take the wire and form the shape. You can bend the crown as you need by wrapping the trunk and branches. The wire should be strong, you can double it.
  • After that, you need to monitor the condition of the tree, periodically trim excess buds, height, monitor the tension of the wire.

As soon as the width of the crown begins to rest against the wire - remove it and, if necessary, put on a new one. Bonsai will be ready when the growth of the tree stops, and the crown will harden. Then you can transfer the plant to a flat bowl.

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