How to make an alpine slide

How to make an alpine slide

The alpine slide is called the way, because the idea of \u200b\u200bits creation came to an unknown gardener, visiting the mountain alps. There he saw among the stones grow and perfectly feel green shrubs and bright colors.

Alpine slide is quite possible to do it yourself. For this you need a desire and time. First of all, it is necessary to decide on the site of the slide. It can be done at least on a level plot, even on the inclined. The latter can be combined even with a small pond, which will be organically looked at the foot of the slide. At the preparatory stage, it is also worth thinking about the style in which a hill will be made. It can be bright blooming or just green. And you can make both combined, with a variety of plants.

Deciding with the place, size and style of the slide, you can proceed to work. By placing the boundaries of the future slide, in this place it is necessary to remove the top layer of the soil and leave it nearby - then they will need to fall asleep earth "Pockets", in which flowers will grow. The soil must be removed to the depth of 30-40 cm. At the bottom of the pit it is necessary to put drainage: clayjit or even broken brick.

Drainage must be satisfied with a little land and then lay large stones. At the same time, in the lower tier, the slides of the stones must be larger, and the higher the hill, the smallest and the stones on its top.


In each layer between the stones, it is necessary to pour the land that was originally removed from the slide. Each such layer must be very good to shed water so that the Earth filled all empties between the stones. Make it need a few days so that the earth is well ass. If necessary, the soil should be added. The slide is best to build in the fall, and planting plants - already in the spring. For the winter, the whole land between the stones is well constructed and fill all empties.

In the spring begins the most pleasant work - planting plants. It is necessary to plant them so that from either the side of the slice of the slide looked picturesque and beautiful. Upstairs, you can land the highest plants, and the closer to the ground, the lower plants should be. Earth between bushes and flowers can be meditated with beautiful small pebbles. Very nice looking slides in a rustic style with alone brightly blooming bushes. At the same time, they need to plant them so that each separate variety bloom at different times. So the hill in the whole summer will delight the owners with his cute and unassuming species.

You can arrange a slide only with evergreen plants, such as dwarf ate, juniper and succulents. Such a slide will look more strictly, and it will be easier for it to care - you do not need to overtake faded flowers.


And you can combine conifers and blooming perennials. It all depends on the preferences of the site owners. It is necessary to care for a slide. If there are soil plants around all bushes and colors, then in a year there will be no weeds on the hill. They will be outstanding cultivated plants.

Build an alpine slide is not very simple, but it will rejoice from the eyes for many years. Her advantage is that it does not require much space for its device, and it can be placed on it a large number of plants that you would like to see in my garden.

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