How to make floral flowerbed

How to make floral flowerbed

For more than decades in our country, fashionable landscape design. Almost every gardener dreams of having the same flowerbed as in photographs from the magazine - an unusual, colorful, blooming from April to October. It turns out that create a floral masterpiece on the household plot is even a newcomer. How to do it?

The first step is to choose a place for a flower bed. Future flowerbed should become a certain binder, which organically unites the house and the garden into a single space. A good place for flowers is a sunny or slightly pronted zone, but under the thick crown of the tree or on the north side of the housing, the plants will not be enough light. Decide also with an area that you are willing to plant flowers. If the flower is created for the first time, you should not exceed the diameter (length, width) of two meters. In other cases, it may be difficult to care for the composition.

The next step is the choice of form. It should be started with the simpler, and with the acquisition of experience - go to intricate. There are a wide variety of flower beds, but the most popular are the following:

  • Geometric. It looks good at most areas round and square flower beds, but you still need to choose what is closer to the heart. Compositions of the right form are easy to post and plant.
  • Wrong. These include flower flower beds, a suitis pattern, a silhouette of a person or an animal, arbitrary shape and all that prompts fantasy. It is more difficult to organize the space itself, and its filling, so it is necessary for such a flower garden only experienced gardeners.
  • Mound. It usually has a geometric edging, but the foundation of such a flower bed is on an artificial elevation, which makes it possible to make a more volumetric composition. Actually, the embankment is created from sand, broken bricks, rubble, and then top layer soil layer with a thickness of at least 20 cm.
  • Mountain serpentine. Initially make a frame from the chain grid, and then on the principle of the embankment, the inside of the flower is made. It will be enough to form 1-2 turns with a total height of about a meter.
  • Vertical flower beds are created using low street pots of different diameters fixed on one horizontal support. Inside the low-spirited flowers are planted with similar texture, but contrasting shades.

Next, it is necessary to pick up plants. One of the main factors is a period of flowering. Combine perennial varieties that dissolve only once in the season, with annual, whose buds will delight the eye all summer. In addition, it is necessary to combine flowering and decorative-deciduous species. For the proper design, a flower growth is important: soil, medium and tall plants will be needed. With their help it is possible to create a multi-level and fairly spectacular flowerbed. Consider the color gamut and the favor of varieties for the sunshine. One of the latest trends is the selection of flowers on aroma: such varieties are planted, the fragrance of which is replaced by each other throughout the day and even nights.

When you were determined with the desired form and flow of a flower garden, transfer the idea of \u200b\u200bpaper. Color scheme will help streamline thoughts and modify the idea, and later - carefully arrange the platform. If the inspiration has left and an interesting flower bed does not work in any way, take advantage ready projects.

Now is the time to go to the preparatory work. At the end of March - early April, remove the top layer of the soil, remove the roots of weeds. In too clay soil, add the sand, in sandy ground - a little concrete. Make comprehensive fertilizers, compost, then break the bed to a depth of up to 40 cm. Floract the flower leaf into segments according to the drawn scheme. If the appropriate time came to landing seeds or seedlings, boldly proceed to this stage.

Piano-Fountain-Klumba sandbox-650414

Do not forget that worthy flower bed can not do without decor. Be sure to highlight the borders of the flower bed with the help of stones, bottles, slate, lane and other priest materials. The flower arrangement planted in the old furniture, barrel, artistically treated car tire or other items, especially refined.

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