How to form an apple tree crown

How to form an apple tree crown

The cultivation of an apple orchard requires limit labor, attention and care. One of the main aspects in care is the correct formation of the crown. For many, this process is considered complex, but without it, the crushed culture over time, it will stop pleaseing the abundance of the harvest and will be vulnerable to the development of many diseases. Apple branches can be given will and hide under their big shadow from summer heat. But, if you want to have a beautiful healthy tree with a lot of juicy apples, you should get a secateur in the first spring month and go to the garden.

How to form a discharge-tier crown

The type of discharge-long crown is considered the easiest in creating, care and therefore very popular. Apple branches are located smooth tiers and resemble the type of natural wood form.

  • An annual seedling is cut up to 5 kidneys immediately after landing. IMPORTANT - SCREE MUST STATEMENTS AND ONLY ON THE KILK, and not under it. Already by autumn under the cut line, side shoots are formed, of which the first row of young branches will be formed.
  • In the second year of life, the apple tree needs to leave only the main conductor and 4 main branches growing at a distance of at least 15-20 cm. The remaining dry and thickening tree shoots are deleted. The ends of the remaining twigs are shortened by 1/3.
  • In the spring of the third year, 2 skeletal branches will appear on the first tier, they must be saved, only slightly cutting into the level with the rest. If the vertex of the conductor has time to acquire the increase, it is neatly removed. The rest of the formation is reduced to pruning competing branches, weak escapes and a decrease in the length of the main.
  • On the fourth year, 2 tiers will acquire another skeletal branch, it must be equalized to the rest. At this stage, the creation of a discharge-long crown is considered complete.

After 1-2 years, the tree must be stopped in growth, for this, the central conductor must be completely removed at the level of the upper branch.

How to form an asshole apple tree crown

Crown in the form of a bowl is relevant for fruit crops that require a lot of sun heating - apricot, apple tree, peaches, pear. A feature of an unusual species is the lack of a central conductor, which thereby ensures the uniform entry of sunlight on the kidneys and shoots. It is necessary to begin to form a crown on the strain of the same height as other species - 60 cm from the ground.

  • When landing, the annual seedling trunk is cut up to 4-5 kidneys.
  • For the next year, 3 skeletal branches are formed on 1 Yarus, they need to be reduced by 1/4 and dilute in different directions at an angle of 120 degrees. The central conductor is cut into shorts with the main upper branch.

Subsequent care is reduced to regular cutting of the crown and timely trimming of branches growing inside the bowl. Adult, correctly formed wood, should have 4 skeletal branches with a circle at 20-30 cm.

How to form a crown vertical palmetta

Apple tree, having a decorative shape of palmettes, attracts attention all year round. In a malicious condition, the tree is distinguished by the original location of the branches, in blooming - amazes with abundant bloom, and when fruiting - pleases with a rich harvest. Saplings are convenient to grow around the windows, along the deaf walls of the house or a solid fence.

  • When creating vertical palmettes, growing shoots should grow on the same plane. For this purpose, from each tier, it is necessary to remove the extra proceedings annually, leaving only 2 main branches growing in opposite sides.
  • Skeletal branches, departing from the central conductor, are held in the first years under a slope, by tapping.

In the width of the crown of an adult tree can grow up to 3 meters. The number of tiers, skeletal branches and their height depend on the annual trimming of the tree garden.

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