How to trim the plum

How to trim the plum

Plum, like any other fruit tree, is subject to abundant growth of the branches. In the absence of timely trimming, the tree becomes unnecessary shoots, and too old branches will begin to break and root. As a result, the gardener will receive a small and tasteful crop. In our article we will describe in detail and show the technology of proper trimming of a plum culture.

How to trim the plum

The trimming of the overwhelming tree is carried out in the middle-end of March, when the first kidneys will begin to appear. As a rule, during this period there are no night freezes and sharp temperature fluctuations.

  • When boarding an annual seedling, the stack must be trimmed by performing a cut to 6 kidneys. This is done to provoke the growth of side shoots. Next year, a new side twig will be pulled out of the cropped strap, called the conductor.
  • In the second year, the sapling will strengthen and acquire 4-5 young skeletal twigs. It is impossible to cut them completely in any way, they only need to shortly shorten - about 1/3. If they have time to acquire side shoots, they must be completely removed.
  • During the third spring trimming, the plum needs to thin and shortening increases by 1/3. Shoots that grow not correctly, carefully remove, performing a cut on the outer kidney.

How to trim the plum - preventive trimming

Upon reaching a four-year tree, the crop rules will be slightly different from the above. You need to eliminate damaged, patients and old branches every year. The tree itself also needs to thin the crown, cutting the conductor, shortening annual shoots by 10-15 cm and removing the swords. You can perform the event 2 times a year: in the spring in March, or in the fall after harvesting.

How to cut the old plum - rejuvenating trimming

As soon as you find that the tree ceased to grow and give an abundant harvest, you need to urgently carry out a rejuvenating trimming. For this:

  • Well inspect the tree and remove the old one, dry branches.
  • Then, perform sections on three or four-year-old shoots, translating the growth point on the side mature branch. (Fig. B, B)
  • To stop growth in height, you need to cut a central conductor a little, or to shorten it exactly half, if the tree is highly high. (Fig. And)
  • Lastly, cut the branches growing inside the crowns that thus contribute to its thickening.

Remember that plum has a small lifespan - a maximum of 15 years. Further care will not bring you the expected result.


How to trim the plum - rules

In order not to harm, but to help the fruit tree favorably survive trimming, follow some recommendations:

  • Before holding the event, all tools are sharply scolding and disinfected. To this end, a solution of copper sulfate will perfectly cope with a diluted alcohol. For the processing of young seedlings, a sharp knife or a secateur is suitable, and for trees in the "age" it is better to use a manual saw or ax.
  • Observe the coented - each lower branch, which remains below, should be longer above located. If there is the opposite, the lower tiers will respond with time due to lack of sunlight.
  • The location of the cut must be treated with garden borants or olifa.
  • All removal of branches are carried out exclusively in clear sunny weather, when there is no abundant precipitation or frosts.
  • Provide proper care with a cropped tree - with the first opportunity, the land is perfectly burst, make feeding and secure regular watering.

As you can see, this garden procedure does not have special difficulties, the main thing is to use high-quality garden tools and well cut out the crown. Observing our simple tips, the plum tree thanks you for the competent and correct care of delicious, abundant harvest!

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