How to make a basketball ring

How to make a basketball ring

Buy attributes for basketball will not be difficult, because you can find them in any store of sporting goods, but if I don't succeed with my own hands, then here's a ring for the ball - you can try, because today the cost of such an item cannot be called low . Let's look with you together today, as with your own hands without assistance and special costs, you can create a ring for a basketball ball.

Manufacturing process and its nuances

It is clear that it will be difficult to assemble the design of metal on their own, unless of course you do not work as a welder in some company or firm, so without the help of a professional in this matter just can not do. So, the first thing you must find a person who can help you cook the design of metal.

In this case, make your own hands and the ring is not worth it, because it will take a lot of time and time, as well as another specialist who is doing this thing, so it's easier to buy a ready ring. Such a product is quite inexpensive, so in reality it is easier to buy it in a ready-made form, and then everything yourself:

  • The basis of our booth on which the ring for a basketball ball will be fixed, the pipe made of iron will be. If you have such a farm in your farm, you need to attribute it to her professional welder and explain his task, namely, to spill a piece from a big and long tube and welcome it back to the pipe so that in the end we got the letter r, then There are, breeding the bottom is perpendicular to our main piece of pipe.
  • Now it is necessary to find thin and flat iron parts that will be the basis for the wooden surface to which the ring will be attached in the future. The welder will need to cook from it a smooth rectangle, which is neatly welded everything to the same M-shaped pipe.
  • In fact, it only signs this welding process for a long time. A professional will cope with this task for 40-50 minutes and no more.

  • Now, in order for the design to have completed the form you need to paint it, and while it dries. It will be necessary to knock off the shield tree out of pieces, to which we will attach the ring, it, by the way, will also need to paint. You choose the details on your own.
  • It is easiest to make a shield from the hundreds that are used to make the storage boxes for vegetables and fruits. If you have such a plank at hand. You do not have to pull them with your own hands, which significantly reduce the process of manufacturing basketball design. The tree dries faster than iron. Therefore, the wooden shield can only be painted after you draw, paint the iron construction.
  • The height of the pipe above the surface of the Earth should be from 2500 to 3000 mm, here you are already focusing on your growth and convenience. You should not also forget that part of the pipe will be in any case underground so that the pillar holds firmly, and the design was reliable.
  • When all the elements were dried, it is necessary to assemble the design, for this you need to attach the shield to our layout for it, which in turn is attached to the pipe, and to the shield to attach the ring. All items can be bonded by bots and other durable connecting elements. Everything will depend on the size of the design assembled and the presence of fastening materials at hand.
  • Now when all the details are painted and connected together. It is necessary to start digging a fairly deep pit in order to put a good part of our pipe with a ring and fasten it very hard.

  • I dig a deep hole, put a pipe with a ring and drunk, and better poured concrete so that such a construction stood for a long time and under any conditions.

Here is this method you can independently make a ring for a basketball ball in your yard.

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