Fashion on hairstyles changes with enviable periodicity, but for several years in a row it is considered a relevant trend with light curls, and the length of Kudrey does not matter. And if you want to make a trendy hairstyle yourself, it's time to learn how to make curiors, since they attach a special romantic shape to simple curls.
How to make grandmother hair curb at home?
The hair on the rags turned more of our great-grandfathers to hit the lush chignon of the potential groom or corporate cavalor.
It will take:
- Fabric (unnecessary shirt or shirt)
- White A4 paper - two sheets
- Scissors
- Make from the material strips with a length of about 25 cm, 3 cm width.
- List the sheet of paper in length, making the width of pieces - 5 cm.
- Mix in the center of the tissue strip paper, moisten it with warm water and give a streamlined shape, compressed with your fingers.
- Get out hair, ranging from tips, and stop, reaching the desired height of the book.
- Hold the resulting hair roller and tighten the rag on a bow. According to this technology, it will turn out (with the dissolution of the curlers) of the elastic curl, if the strands are sweeping weakly - there will be slightly wavy hair.
How to make a hair curlers at home?
The method is considered to be a chopstick, because in a short period of time makes it possible to build a stylish hairstyle.
- Textile
- Scissors
We work:
- Cut the same ribps as in the first case.
- Cleaning hair moisten gel, screw strands on a rag, movement inside and secure nodes.
- After drying the composition, remove the curlers, slightly walk through the hair with a massage brush and collect them in a negligent beam, a multiple stud or crab.
How to make foam curlers at home?
I can give a haircut with a hawlty hollywood, and decorate long hair with breathtaking curls.
Would need:
- Foam or sealing
- Thin wire
- Scissors, Kusachachi
- Cut the foam rubber on a strip length - 30 cm, 4 cm wide, and a wire - 25 cm long.
- Protect the wire through the middle of each soft billet so that its tips do not reach the edges by 1.5 cm.
- Wash your hair, apply foam and dry to the state of dampness.
- Start cheating from the nape, to do this, make a horizontal sample and secure the hair unused hair.
- Separate the strand, spread it in shallow comb. Screw to the papilot, making the turns in the opposite direction from the face, and reaching the roots, close the lock.
- After three or four hours, dried with warm air the phenyl, then we spoil them without hurrying.
- Five minutes later, tilt your head down, flip curls to the curls, and fix the resulting volume with lack.
How to make a foil curlers at home?
Foil is an elastic material, so the hair made from it will wind hair on any turn.
- Foil
- Vata.
- Scissors
- Cut the foil rectangles - 18 by 8 cm. In the middle of each item, put a piece of watts and tighten the harvesting of the flavor.
- Put a strand in the center of the curlers, leaving the tip in 3 cm. Now tighten this tip, and then foil, forming curls-springs.
- When curls will be ready (three hours), remove the foil, correct the curls with your hands and sprinkle them with varnish strong fixation.
How to make a hair curlers at home?
Thin curlers, of which are "Curd Corkscrew", also take place in the model of fashionistas.
- Tubes from juice - for need, depending on the thickness and length of hair
- Studes
Water-dipped strands wipe on straws that near the roots simply start (you can stripped with racks with studs). Hide this beauty under the handkerchief, and to sleep, and in the morning it will only be left to remove the tubes and the hairstyle in the style of Milady Winter.
So, make the stunning curries are quite simple and for this it is not necessary to spend money on the dear interior, it is enough to wind the hair on homemade hair curlers.