How to make Armopoyas?

How to make Armopoyas?

Aropois is a design consisting of iron with concrete, the main purpose of which increases the fortress of the walls of the future at home. It protects them from overload due to various factors. External factors are considered to be the features of the landscape, the direction of the wind, the characteristics of the soil under the house and so on. To internal - devices that are used when repairing the house. If Aropoyas was made incorrectly, the wall can crack or between it and the neighboring wall will appear gaps. To such problems do not occur, you should study how to correct Armopois.

Framework and opal

To create an ideal Armopoyas, all work on its creation must be performed qualitatively. The correct technique for creating a frame and formwork will in the future will have a positive effect on the quality of the Armopleois itself. For construction, it will be necessary:

  • Apparatus for welding
  • Lomik
  • Armature bar
  • Cement
  • Wire for fittings
  • Bricks
  • Thick boards
  • Selfless
  • Concrete mixer
  • Shovel

Making framework

  • The main secret of the proper manufacture of the framework of the Armopoyas to use the wire instead of the welding machine. It is the knitting wire that will strengthen the frame in those places where the use of welding seam was assumed. Experienced builders know that during welding the place near the future seam is glowing, and this significantly reduces the strength of the reinforcement. Nevertheless, welding seams in the framework of Armopoyas still have - the middle and ends of the frame weld.
  • Another secret is concluded in the use of exclusively ribbed rods in the manufacture of a frame. Concrete freezes on ribs and it increases the supporting abilities of the structure. A similar Armopoyas will work not only for stability, but also for stretching.
  • When creating a frame, it takes 2 reinforcement rods is not thicker 12 mm and with a long 6 m. When creating transverse reinforcements, rods with a thickness of no more than 10 mm are used. In the center and along the edges, the rods are welded, on the rest of the rest they knit them in the right position.
  • After the manufacture of both grids, they are suspended with a small gap. Then weld on the sides and in the middle. This will be the future framework of Armopoyas. The framework is put on one to another by 0.2-0.3 m.


  • There are several ways to install formwork. To install shields made of wood through them, anchor is passed, and then plugs are fixed to them using electrical welding. This is done so that the formwork can withstand the weight of the puffged concrete.
  • If you plan to build an inter-storey armojoy, then the method of installing the formwork is simplified. In the lower part of the shield fasten screws with a radius of 3 mm, and a length of 10 cm. Between such screws leave a distance of 0.7 m. Then the shield leaks to the wall, drill hole through it, the fungus is inserted into it and clog the screw. For easy passage, the fungus, the diameter of the hole in the shield must be a little wider than 6 mm.
  • The upper half of the formwork is fixed in a similar way, but instead of a screwing, they use selflessness. In the brick from the front side of the masonry, the hole is done, the reinforcement is driven into it. When using full-scale bricks, the process simplifies even stronger - drive the reinforcement directly into the vertical seam. Then the screws with the reinforcement are tightened with wire so that the elements of the fastener defended from each other by 1.2 m.
  • When armopoyas becomes solid, the formwork is removed by crowbar or a nail. Usually in the summer in the heat for its frost, you need about 24 hours. In the winter or in crude weather, it will take 2 days and more to frost concrete.

Ground Armpois

There are several types of Armopoyasa - Scarlet, base and inter-storey, for aerated concrete and under Maurylalat. Each of them has its own characteristics of the creation, but special attention is paid to the base armooism. It is certainly done before moving to the construction of walls on the foundation of a new house. It will further depend on the stability of the buildings built on it.

  1. The base armoomas is poured along the perimeter of the construction so that it goes along the outer walls. Since its goal is an additional strengthening of the building strength along the inner walls, it makes no sense.
  2. If Scarlet was chosen correctly, then the base Armopleomas do not so strong. It is created low, no more than 40 cm in height, and poured it with cement M 2000 or higher.
  3. Ponds for reinforcement of the base armopoyash are selected with a thickness of about 12 mm. It is maintained predominantly single-layer, but if Armopoyases need gain, then use thicker fittings. Another way to strengthen Armopoyas is to increase the amount of live in fittings or use multilayer arms.
  4. In the process of filling, armopoyas does not always need a formwork. Sometimes it is replaced with bricks masonry. To create it on both sides of the wall make masonry half of the brick. This emptiness is installed fittings and poured concrete. After that, the difference in the thickness of the base and the outer wall will vary between 510 and 510 mm.
  5. Without scolding, the base armoomas is useless - he will not be able to fulfill its task and ensure the strength of the walls. The main goal of the base Armopleois is the strengthening of the bearing capacity of the foundation of the house.

In the creation of Armopoya, the most difficult thing is in the correct selection of the thickness of the reinforcement and the installation of arms, everything else does not require special skills or labor. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the process of creating Armopoyas and with a similar task will cope with each.

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