How to make a greenhouse with your own hands?

How to make a greenhouse with your own hands?

Greenhouses are almost indispensable in gardening. They help grow plants that simply do not survive in the open sky. The simplest greenhouses are made of pipes and polyethylene film or polycarbonate. To create such a greenhouse, you will need a step-by-step description of the installation process and careful selection of materials.

Plastic tube greenhouse and films

Immediately after determining the place where the new greenhouse will stand, select suitable tools. Depending on the size of the greenhouse, the number of tools and the length of the materials used will change.
Tools for building:

  • For the foundation, the greenhouses use boards or a bar. Since they will be constantly exposed to moisture when watering, they are treated with a special solution against rotting. To save funds, a professional solution is replaced with a hot resin or a few layers are missing the bars of olifoy. Treatment of the solder lamp will also save the wooden base from rotting.
  • Polypropylene pipes. For the correct calculation of the amount of skeleton material before buying pipes draw the scheme of the future greenhouse. After calculations, 10% is added to the result. They will serve as a marriage in case of marriage or errors in computing.
  • Polyethylene film is used to cover the frame of the pipes. For greenhouses fits thick and strong film. With careful use, it will serve two to three seasons.
  • Metal rods are longer than 1 meter. They are needed in order to give weight and resistance to greenhouse.
  • Screws and nails.
  • Loops for doors and windows.
  • Castles and handles.
  • Additional metal loops for fastening some design elements.

The process of installing the greenhouse

The plantation of the greenhouse begins with due preparation of the site and the foundation for the future design.

  1. The land on the selected place is covered and tamped. Then, on its perimeter, knocking up the boards, forming a wooden box. In those places where the boards are connected, metal rods are driven into the ground. Their ends should not rise above the wooden box.
  2. Outside, around the perimeter of the future foundation, also ripped into the land of the rod at the same distance from each other. If the size of the greenhouse is no more than 3x6 meters, then the rods will need about 35. They are bought into the ground by 40 or 50 cm and fasten to the base with the help of metal loops. The height of the rod remaining on the surface should be at least 60 cm.
  3. Polypropylene pipes are cut and put on the rods located opposite. Thus form a carcass of the greenhouse. To strengthen the pipe connected with a wooden base with metal loops.
  4. Then the corners of the frame are strengthened with a timber with a cross section of 50x50 mm. Several polypropylene pipes are connected to each other, so that the length of the resulting pipe is equal to the length of the greenhouse. This pipe is attached to the transverse arcs of the greenhouse frame.
  5. Then the frame is covered with a polyethylene film, fixing it on a wooden foundation using brackets or wooden plates. The second is preferable because more durable.
  6. The film is also tightened by the front and rear frames of the frame. In those places that are reserved under windows and doors, the film is cut and carefully fell inside.
  7. The doorway is measured, the timber is cut to suitable parts and knock down the door. Polyethylene film is fixed with a bracket, and the loops are attached to the frame on which it will hold. When the door is installed, the windows make the same way. Gotana is ready.

Greenhouse from polycarbonate

This type of greenhouses is distinguished by durability. It is no need to disassemble for the winter, and with the correct selection of the material it will last for many years.

  • Polycarbonate sheets. Before purchase, the sheet thickness and its weight are measured. Those sheets whose thickness is less than 4 mm and the weight does not reach 10 kg, they are not suitable for greenhouses.
  • Wooden timber with a cross section of 50 × 50 mm. It is treated with a 3-4 layer before use.
  • Metal pipes and bars.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Apparatus for welding.
  • Screws and thermoshabs.
  • Perforated tape and galvanized steel tape.

Installation Instructions

  1. The playground for the greenhouses is tamped, metal rods are driven into the ground in the size of the future greenhouse. They are fastened with a fastening of wooden bars.
  2. At the outer edge of the base, metal fittings are installed to strengthen the frame. In the future, it will be welded a carcass of the greenhouse.
  3. Metal frame mounted by pre-compiled scheme. The iron pipes are cut and weld in such a way that there are no more than 50 cm between the elements of the crates. After that, the frame is welded to the foundation.
  4. Polycarbonate sheets are fixed to the frame of the rugs. To eliminate microscipes that can harm plants, screws are planted on special thermoshabs.
  5. Sheets are laid on the bracket of the mustache and fasten the galvanized steel tape. Tension tape is regulated by bolts and nuts. From the inside the location of the connections is sampled by a perforated ribbon. It is needed for the flow of condensate and to protect the plants from dust and drafts.

To build a greenhouse with your own hands is not at all difficult. If you prepare all the tools in advance, then you can manage the installation per day.

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