How kiwi is growing

How kiwi is growing

Such a tasty and useful fruit, as Kiwi is highly appreciated and can be kept for a long time. Now Kiwi is grown in the southern cities of Russia. In more detail how Kiwi is growing and what its peculiarities, we will tell in this article.

Description of fruit

Kiwi grows in many mills with a warm climate. The birthplace of this wonderful fruit is China.

  • Mostly grows in the tropical forests of China. By its structure, Kiwi is a high liana, with large and wide leaves that give a lot of shadows. In height reaches no more than 10 meters. On average - 3 - 5 m. It is very good to plant such a liana for landscaping canopies and arbors.
  • Kiwi is growing, in the warm climate, where many sun. Kiwi fruits usually do not achieve large sizes. Mass of one fetus is no more than 140 g.
  • Kiwi is slightly oblong shape, with brown skin. The flesh of the fruit is green, even when the fruit is not mature. But sometimes the yellow flesh in the fruit is found.

Features of growing fruit

Kiwi is a capricious and whimsical plant. Kiwi loves warmth, the sun and needs regular watering. But the only one, in contrast to other plants, Kiwi appears a little pest.

  • When growing, install support. Such a support is installed before planting a seedling. After that, the seedling is tied to the installed chopler. The height of the cholera usually does not exceed 2.5 m.
  • Kiwi is a downtown plant. Therefore, here is inherent in female and male. When landing for women's varieties, it is also necessary to plant several male plants at a distance of 2-3 m. Such landing will create optimal conditions for pollination.
  • For growing at home, pollination can be carried out independently, manually, a soft tassel.
  • When disembarking it is better to choose less windy areas.

How does kiwi grow?

By its structure, Liana (Tree) Kiwi looks like a wound plant with large leaves. The small similarity of Kiwi has with grapes.

  • Kiwi leaves have a round or oval shape, approximately 25 cm in diameter.
  • In the width, the plant can grow to 5 meters. The normal length does not reach 8-10 m.
  • Kiwi does not like when it feels too much with mineral plants. Since the root plant of the plant is located on the surface layer of the soil. Due to this root, a sufficient amount of mineral substances are obtained.

Since Kiwi's roots are located almost on the surface of the Earth, it should be loosened.

Kiwi has a lot of varieties. They are already more than 120. Mostly for cultivation, such varieties are used:

  • Heivard;
  • Bruno;
  • Monty;
  • Abbott;
  • Allyson.

Kiwi does not like to overtake mail, so it should be watered often, but moderately.

How does mini kiwi grow?

There is also such an interesting grade as mini kiwi. These are small fruits, no more than 50 g. Although the fruits are not large, but such a variety Kiwi is actively used by gardeners for growing at home.

The plant does not grow above 6 m in height and does not grow larger than 3 m wide.

For the cultivation of mini kiwi is also required support.

Kiwi does not withstand strong frosts. In Russia, Kiwi is carefully covered by the winter, thanks to which Kiwi will be able to frig and the next year.

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